The soft cold breeze of the night hair rustled Tanya's hair. A calmness before the storm feeling in the air as she sat against the tree with the full sight of a large compound. The searchlights scanning the surrounding area for any intruders.
It was two large facility buildings with hired contractors patrolling the area with assault rifles. Two large watchtowers near the gate entrance and others inside the perimeter of the compound. A large concrete wall surrounding the place completely with only one entrance and one exit.
Tanya let out a sigh, the misty cloud coming from her mouth and flying into the sky. Adjusting the SSG10 A1 in her hands as she placed her finger over her earpiece. "How's it looking, boys?" She asked as she looked to the front gate where Luke and the others would be entering with a Jeep.
Crackling could be heard before Luke spoke. "Approaching the compound." He informed the woman who hummed in response. "How's the weather up there, T?" Fusco asked with a mocking tone and Tanya sighed. "Shut it, Fusco."
More chuckles could be heard over the comms making Tanya smile. It had been at least 2 months since Tanya signed that paper and she had joined the D.S.S. In some cases, Tanya found herself grateful that she signed the paper and was happy Luke had found her. Growing a love-hate relationship with the man since sometimes they argued with each other on decisions.
Their current mission was gathering info on why Tanya had been kidnapped and why were they looking for info on her brother. Luke knew that Tanya needed to protect his brother, which was why he decided to help her. The rest of the team were on board as well, willing to stand by Tanya's side without any questions asked.
Tanya's eyes caught the sight of the front gate and a transport truck leaving. An escort with it, one technical at the front and one at the back. "A transport truck is leaving the compound. Two technicals with it." She told the group as she got onto her sniper pad, laying down. Pulling out her bipod and stabilizing the gun before looking through the scope.
"Do you have sight of what they're transporting?" Luke asked and Tanya kept her eyes on the transport truck. Waiting to see the back flap and what could be hidden. All Tanya could feel was tension and it was getting her anxious. "Tanya, do you have sight of what it's transporting?"
When Tanya was going to answer, her breath hitched at the sight. Women with children were beaten and some even dead in the back of the transport. Her blood boiling as she stood up. "Woman and children. Some dead, some beaten." She told him as he began packing up her stuff. Hearing a curse before Luke sighed. "There's nothing we can do for them. Keep overwatch."