Part 1

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Zuko's POV-

I had just confronted my father, Firelord Ozai, and told him I would be joining the Avatar to help him in his journey to end the war.

The feeling was almost thrilling but I feared how my father would later retaliate. The last time I spoke out of turn the entire left side of my face had been severely burned by Ozai. "Father, I'm leaving to join the avatar I'm done with you, all of you. I'm going to find Avatar Aang and teach him fire bending. If you try to stop me I will retaliate" I said, drawing my dual swords.

"You coward you'll only face me during an eclipse if you were a true man you would stay until the sun came out." Ozai hissed, visibly growing angry "No." I said "What do you take me for? Only a fool would do that. Goodbye father." I left with 50 gold pieces, clothing, food, my swords, and a few necessities. I left and bourded a war balloon. The eclipse ensured that no one could stop me from leaving, allowing me to set off. I saw the Avatar's familiar byson and decided to follow it. 'I wish the byson wasn't as memorable.' It reminded me of my bad decisions, chasing the world's only chance for piece. 'Now I will redeem myself and restore my honor' I thought quietly to myself still following the byson hopeful but also scared for what was to come.

Sokka's POV-

'This is my fault' is all I could think as we escaped our failed invasion plan. Me, Katara, Aang, and Toph were flying to The Western Air Temple. I was so tired but I couldn't relax while not knowing what I just put my father through, letting him get locked away while we escaped. It felt wrong, he didn't deserve it, none of them did. This is all that filled my head until Katara yelled at me "Sokka are you listening? Aang just said that Appa can't fly anymore he's to tired, we have to walk."

This is just what I needed after getting my ass kicked, having to walk all the way to the temple.

About an hour later Aang said "We're here!" "Aang have u been drinking cactus juice? because theres nothing here." I said sceptical of his judgment. "Actually there's a lot here, a ton of buildings under ground below us" said Toph, using her seismic sense so she could pick up on the things around her. "Excactly follow me." said the young Avatar.

It was about 30 minutes later when we got to the temple and unpacked everything. I laid on my side turned from everyone else in shame, and although I was madly disappointed in myself I just couldnt fight the urge to sleep and slowly drifted off.

Zuko's POV-

I saw them go to the temple but it was late, so I decided to set up camp. I thought it would be best to talk to them tomorrow afternoon, I knew they would be tired and shaken up from their failed invasion.

As I drifted to sleep I couldnt get the water tribe boy out of my head 'I know he hates me but he has grown up so much since I last saw him.' I thought. I hadn't seen him since The Fire Nation attacked The North Pole. What was once a scrawny boy was now a muscular strong man. I had only seen him briefly today once while he was leading the invasion with his wolf's armor and a determined look on his face.

The second time I saw him that day was much different, he was on the Avatar's byson looking so disappointed, he had shed his armor as well as his shirt. I could see every ab and muscle on his torso. I felt myself blushing as my cheeks heated up more than I thought possible. I saw a girl with raven hair wearing green say something to him and not being able to hear, I assumed she said something about his shirt because right after, it was back where it belonged, hugging his torso and hiding his tan skin in a sea of blue.

I soon drifted to sleep in my tent still thinking of the boy shirtless.

I slept peacefully through the night until I felt the light warmth of the sun on my skin as it rose, telling me rise as well. I slipped my shirt on and changed my pants. Then, I went to a small river nearby to clean the dirty clothes. It was still very early so I didn't want to go talk to them yet. I knew they would be exhausted from the day before and its events.

I approached the river and started to clean the clothes with a bit of soap I had with me. Once I finished I wrung them out and took them back to my campsite to lay them on a sunny rock to dry for tomorrow. I decided to practice with my swords to help the time pass. The next thing I knew it was the afternoon and I decided it would be best to go down to the temple. I left my swords with my things so I would be seen as less of a threat to the group.

As I approached I heard the quiet murmur of conversation, it seemed to be about Aang learning fire bending. It was perfect timing. I walked over, trying not to sneak up on them so I wouldn't scare them, the raven haired girl spoke up louder than before, with a tone of importance "We have company." As I approached they all took a fighting stance. I tried my best to seem as nice as possible and with a gentle wave I said "Hello, Zuko here"

Hii so this is my first fanfic, I hope u like it! I love zukka so I hope to be updating alot byeee

Edit: sheesh did I even know what grammar was when I made this? Anyway I'll be going in and fixing this story to give it a little more ✨class✨ Thank you for all the support on the original!

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