part 16

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Zuko's POV-
I woke up to a gentle kiss on my cheek "Baby we're going to arrive in an hour we need to get ready" Sokka said gently but still in his sleepy tone. It was a couple days later since going to the southern tribe from the fire nation wasnt very easy. "Come here" I said and Sokka got closer, I rolled on top of him and kissed him "Well I guess someones awake" he said "Hey get off Sokka and get ready!" Toph said as she banged on the door. We got ready and Sokka did my hair in my usual top knot but he added a small watertribe braid in the front. "I never would have expected to be putting a crown on the fire lords head" Sokka said laughing "Well I'm happy you are" I said and kissed Sokka a little more passionately than I meant to. We left the room and went to where everyone else was "Hey sorry we're a little late" Sokka said rubbing his neck "You wouldnt be if you could keep your lips to yourselves" Toph said jokingly and received a middle finger from Sokka which she couldnt see but made Sokka feel better "You do realize I can guide you into a wall for a week right Toph?" Sokka said laughing "Does everyone have their jackets and boots?" Katara asked and we all said yes. Soon the air ship landed and the doors opened to reveal a larger tribe than the last tim I saw it 2 years ago i frowned at the memory but then felt Sokka take my hand. "Don't be nervous I'm sure they dont remember last time" Sokka said smiling "Wow makes me feel way better" i said sarcastically. We walked off the ramp with Toph and I both holding Sokka, it felt a little weird so I let go. When we got off there was a swarm of people surrounding us "Aangy!!" A group of little girls yelled and hugged Aang "Hey guys! Wow your getting big" he said giving them all hugs "I didnt know Aang was so popular here" I said laughing "He was the first bender most of them had seen so they got attached pretty quick" Sokka said "Hello Zuko!" Hakoda said pulling me into a big hug "Hi Hakoda" I said hugging him back and receiving a smile from Sokka "Hey dad" Sokka said pulling Hakoda into another hug along with Katara. Toph attached to me since Sokka was in the hug "Hey sparky. Your sparky right?" She said making me laugh "Yeah" I responded smiling "Here let me show you to your cabin" Hakoda said. I led Toph with Sokka next to me holding my hand, people bowed as we walked past and I always tried to bow back to show respect but it usually just got shock. "Zuko chill with the bowing your gonna hurt your back" Sokka said "Well I feel bad, the fire nation pretty much destroyed the southern tribe." I said "Quit with the politics. Zuko I'm cold!" Toph said and I lit a small fire infront of her keeping a safe distance so it doesnt accidentally burn her. It was harder to fire bend here since it was so cold but I didn't feel like dealing with Toph yelling at me. We arrived at a large wood cabin and Toph tried to run inside but ran into the wall instead "Oww" she howled and Suki ran over "Toph you have to let someone guide you when you cant see" she said picking her up off the ground, I let out a sigh of relief because bending here took a lot out of me "Zuko are you okay?" Sokka asked as we walked in "Um yeah I'm fine" I said faking a smile "You dont need to lie to me, what's wrong," Sokka said with a really worried tone "I'm fine!" I yelled pulling away from him "I'm sorry. I'm just tired since it's harder to bend out here." I said quietly "Baby you should have told me, I would have given Toph my jacket if bending is so hard here." Sokka said hugging me as we sat infront of the fire place I breathed out a small fire to warm me up more.  He whispered into my ear "Your really hot when you breath fire" his breathe tickled my already really sensitive ears. I blushed bright red causing him to giggle "Sokka you need to stop flirting with Zuko now he's going to be all red when he meets people" Katara said causing everyone to laugh "Katara you made him get even redder" Sokka said still laughing "Okay both of you stop" Hakoda said "Is everyone ready to go?" He continued, I let out one more breath of fire and stood up "I wasnt lying about what I said" Sokka laughed as we held hands "How else am I supposed to not freeze my ass off?" I said jokingly.

Sokka's POV-
We all went around town and met some locals, Zuko got the occasional boo but I always squeezed his hand to make him feel better. When we got back to the cabin everyone went to sleep but us, we sat on the couch cuddling. I took his headpiece out and put it away for him, when I got back all I could see was a crying Zuko pulling on his hair. "Zuko!" I said running to him and pulling his hand away from him "What's wrong?" I asked clearly very concerned "Everyone hates me here! And they should I ruined their lives!" Zuko said balling his eyes out "Baby you didnt ruin they're lives, Ozai did. They weren't booing at you they were booing at the fire nation." I said calmly cupping his cheek "But I'm the fire lord I represent the fire nation!" He said with his tears slowing down "They dont hate you they hate your title" I said wiping tears from his eyes "I guess so" Zuko said sadly "I love you" I said receiving an "I love you too" back "We should go on a date tomorrow, do you want to go ice skating?" I asked lifting him up and walking us to our room "Ya that sounds nice" he said with a subtle smile.

I woke up the next day alone in the bed. I got up and walked into the kitchen to see Zuko and Katara having a conversation as she cooked breakfast "Yeah we're going ice skating later I think that's when I'm going to give it to him" Zuko said "Goodmorning" I said calmly kissing Zuko on his cheek "Oh um h-hey Sokka" Zuko said nervously "What's wrong? You sound like you did when you had a crush on me." I said chuckling sitting next to him "W-what do you mean? I'm f-fine" Zuko said looking nervous "Well how are you doing after last night?"I asked figuring I would realize why he was nervous soon enough "Better" he said fiddling with his thumbs "Here you guys go" Katara said handing us each a bowl if 5 flavor soup. We ate and then went to get ready I put on a thick blue long sleeve with off white pants while Zuko wore very similar clothes just red and black instead. We grabbed our coats and said goodbye. "We have to go to the shops because we dont have skates" I said as we walked into town "Okay but keep in mind I have to idea how to skate" he said laughing as we walked holding hands "I'll help you" I said smiling. Zuko wasnt wearing his headpiece so we weren't noticed as much but we still were noticed plenty since my father is the chief and he's the fire lord. We bought our skates and went to a secluded patch of ice I had Katara make earlier. We changed into our skates and I got on the ice, Zuko sort of just stood there in the snow shivering "Babe come here" I said "I'm good" he said and blew fire from his mouth. I skated over and grabbed his hands "Sokka!!" He yelled as I pulled him onto the ice "It's okay you can hold onto me." I said smiling at him and he gripped my arms tight. I pulled him around a little until he got used to it, the we skated around holding hands since he still wasnt great at it he had us stop and I asked him "Why do you want to stop?" "I want to ask you something" he said nervously holding my hands "I was talking to Katara a little while back and you know how you were telling me about betrothal necklaces a few months ago?" He said and I nodded "Well she was telling that before going all in for an engagement you can make a promise ring." He said leaving me wide eyed hoping this meant what I thought it did. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box which had a blue band the size of my finger it looked like he carved it's small swirling details "Sokka this ring shows how much I love and want to marry you someday will you please accept it?" He said and I felt tears coming to my eyes "Zuko. Of course I will." I said happily and he put it on my finger, we both starting crying tears of joy. I leaned in and kissed him wrapping my arms around his neck, he was so warm that I almost forgot we were in the south pole. "I love you so much Zuko" I said as we hugged with no intention of letting go "Words cant even describe how much I love you." He said and I was smiling so much my jaw began to hurt. We eventually pulled away and walked back, Zuko and I wouldnt stop smiling. We walked in and Suki and Toph were on the couch cuddling while Aang and Katara were on the second one "Sokka! Zuko!" Katara said jumping up she looked at my hand and pulled us both into a huge hug "I'm so happy for you both!" She said letting go "Wait what happened?" Suki asked looking over "I gave Sokka a promise ring!" Zuko said excited and everyone ran over to hug us "Omg that's amazing I'm so happy for you both!" Aang said hugging me "I have no idea what a promise ring is but I'm assuming it's a good thing" Toph said hugging us while still holding on to Suki  "It's pretty much a promise that they're going to get married someday." Katara said smiling looking at the ring on my finger "Damn look at Zuko making moves" Toph said laughing "Zuko did you carve this?" Suki asked him as she examined my hand "Um ya I did" Zuko said rubbing his neck 'Damn he's cute' I think "Wow when did you get so good at carving?" Katara asked "I dont know the only other times I've carved is that date I went on with Sokka" he said smiling looking over at me "Wow Sokka's gonna be decked out when you two get engaged" Toph said feeling the ring. Me and Zuko laughed and we all ate dinner. We told them exactly what happened on our date and they all responded with "awww" soon everyone went to bed but I couldn't sleep so I just admired the ring and the boy who gave to me.

Omg hii so I literally cant stop smiling at how cute this is!! I dont intend on stopping this series until they get married or it just gets super boring. I hope you like it and dont forget to vote!!

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