part 8

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Sokka's POV-
It was the middle of the night and Aang came into my tent "They left! I cant believe they actually left." Aang said waking my up "Huh who left?" I said rubbing my eyes "Katara and Zuko, they went to find the guy who killed your mom!" Aang said with an upset tone. I knew Zuko could take her there but I didn't think he actually would. "When did they leave?" I asked "Just now" "Okay well they'll be back tomorrow or the next day so just get some rest and we'll talk to them then." Aang nodded I went back to sleep hoping Zuko was safe. 2 days passed and they weren't back. We were all eating lunch when we heard Appa flying over us we all ran over and I hugged Zuko a little longer than I should have until he whispered in my ear "they're starring" I let go and shot my middle finger up in their direction causing them to stop starring Aang then decided to talk to Katara about what happened "Did you find him? What happened?" "We found him and I almost did it but then I realized I would be just as bad as him. I'm not ready to forgive him" Katara turned towards Zuko "But I am ready to forgive you." She hugged the shocked boy and a smile creeped on his face "Thank you Katara" he said "No thank you because of you I finally have some closure." They both smiled and I turned to Zuko and hugged him again "I'm so proud of you for making it up to her." I slightly whispered in his ear he hugged me back and everyone started starring again "What did I say about starring at me." I said "Well I'm not starring but judging my your heart rate they have good reason to." Toph said jokingly "Whatever I'm leaving I walked into a patch a trees close to our campsite and sat against one of them 'I dont know why they always have to make fun of us all we were doing was hugging and Toph just has to share my heartrate with everyone' I thought slightly pouting. I heard some trees rustling and grabbed my boomerang expecting an attack but it was just Zuko I put my boomerang away and sat back down he sat next to me and asked "What's wrong? I thought you were happy to see me." He put his head on my shoulder "Of course I'm happy to see you, I've missed you I just dont get why they always have to act like that. It's not like we were making out we were just hugging." I said wrapping my arms around him "I know its annoying but they dont mean to make you upset, Tophs just joking, and I dont think Aang understands" he said chuckling. It was true but I still didnt like it "I know it's just I like you so much that I dont want to have to be embarrassed to hug you for the first time in days." I loved talking to Zuko even about this sort of thing he was so easy to talk to and he always knew when I needed to just talk and when I needed advice "I know I dont like it either. Do you want me to talk to them?" He asked "Zuko your the sweetest, but I think we should both talk to them." Zuko smiled at my compliment and snuggled into my chest. We soon heard the leaves rustle but didnt really care "Hey guys!" Aang said scaring us since our eyes were closed "Oh hey Aang" Zuko said "I wanted to apologize for starring at you two, I was just confused about why you were hugging for so long. Also I'm sorry for Toph, I dont usually use this language but she's an idiot who doesnt mean any harm." Me and Zuko laughed about Aang thinking idiot was bad language and then thanked him "Well I'm gonna go back to camp see you later!" Aang said as he got up and walked away. "See I told you Aangs just clueless." Zuko said chuckling as he laid in my arms "I guess your right." We sat there for about 30 minutes while Zuko told me what happened "She was blood bending?! She hates blood bending she must have been mad." I said. About 10 minutes later we were sitting in a comfortable silence until Zuko asked me a question "Hey Sokka?" "Ya?" I said looking down at him he pulled out of my arms and sat up, I did the same. Then he leaned over and kissed me. I was shocked at first but quickly returned the kiss, it lasts about 30 seconds until he pulled away and gasped for air. I looked into his golden eyes and leaned in again passionately kissing him, I moved my tongue against his lip to gain access and he obliged I rolled on top of him and then heard a noise I pulled away and turned around to see a traumatized looking Aang. He then ran away and me and Zuko started laughing, I got off of him and saw Aangs staff i guessed he had come to get it "I liked that alot" Zuko said looking into my eyes as he laid back in his original position on my chest "Me too" I said looking at the blushing boy. His cheeks were almost the same color as his scar I assumed that mine were the same. I cupped his cheek in my hand and gave him a small peck. "We should probably go make sure Aang is okay." I said getting up and reaching my hand out for Zuko "Yeah your probably right." I grabbed Aangs staff and we walked back hand in hand.

Zuko's POV-
As we walked back to camp all I could think of was the kiss it was so passionate but gentle at the same time. I still had butterflies in my stomach, no one had ever kissed me like that and I was so happy it was Sokka who did. When we got to camp Aang was obviously avoiding looking at us in discomfort I separated from Sokka and brought Aang his staff "Here you go and by the way I'm sorry, you weren't really supposed to see that." "Thank you and it's okay I just wasnt expecting it." I walked back to Sokka and Toph was cracking up laughing when I sat next to her "Toph are you okay?" I asked wondering why she was laughing so much, the it hit me. She felt us kiss. "I'm totally fine I bet you and Sokka are too." She said nonstop laughing "What are you talking about?" Katara asked also wondering why Toph couldnt stop and Aang looked like he had seen a ghost "Why don't you ask sparky over here." She answered I quickly elbowed her and got punched in the gut in return. "Sokka, Zuko? What's wrong with them?" Katara said shifting here eyes back and forth between us "Why would we know we just got here?" Sokka said. He had probably figured out Toph felt it "Okay fine then I'll say it, Sokka and Zuko were busy making out and Aang saw them." Toph said to Katara and took a bite of her food "Toph!" Sokka said in defense "I knew it!" "I knew you two were up to something!" Katara declared "We're not up to anything, and it doesnt have anything to do with any of you." Sokka said smugly trying to hide his embarrassment "Okay your right it's none of my business who your macking at." She said laughing a little "Thank you" Sokka said not laughing at her little joke we all ate dinner then Aang, Toph, and Katara went to their tents. Me and Sokka just sat up talking I laid my head on his shoulder "Zuko? I've been thinking, we should go on a date tomorrow, theres a town nearby and we can get lunch." Sokka said "I would love that Sokka. In that case we should probably get some sleep." I said and got up. We both went to bed.

I woke up and remembered Sokka's  plans for the day, I put on my favorite outfit and left my tent. Aang was the only one there so I assumed he was the only other one who was awake "Hey Aang" I said "Hi Zuko, since everyone's asleep do you want to work on some firebending?" Aang asked "Sure let's go we walked to a clearing close enough so we could see the campsite. I taught Aang some more basic moves for about an hour. Soon everyone came out of there tents and we walked back. I grabbed some water and drank it spilling some on my shirt "Hey Katara can you help me I got some water on my shirt?" Without even turning about she bent the water out and dropped it on the dirt "Thanks" I said. I thought everyone was up but turns out Sokka wasn't "I'm gonna go get Sokka up" I said standing up "Okay loverboy" Toph responded I walked over to Sokka's tent I didnt hear anything so I went straight in to see Sokka putting on his pants I said "I'm sorry I didnt know you were up" i turned around to walk away and felt him grab my wrist "Its fine Zuko stay" I stopped walking and turned around I nodded and saw the shirtless boy with his pants half way up his legs "You okay?" He asked noticing I was starring at his body "Oh ya sorry I got a little distracted." I said while my cheeks stared to heat up. He pulled up his pants and walked over he put his arms around my hips and said "Oh ya by what?" I could feel my entire body heating up as my cheeks turned bright pink. I swallowed the lump in my throat and wrapped my arms around his neck "Probably by how hot you look without your shirt." I said confidently Sokka pulled me closer and whispered "Oh really?" And started lightly sucking on my neck I quietly moaned as I felt his warmth getting closer and closer to me "S-sokka we n-need to go out t-there." I could barely move "Okay" he said pulling away and putting on his shirt he smiled at the small hickey he made. I tried to pull myself together as we walked out "Hey guys" Sokka said as If nothing had happened I sat next to Aang and Sokka sat on my other side Aang looked over and said "Zuko what happened to your neck?" Sokka grinned as he drank his tea. "Oh um I ran into a tree the other day and it bruised." I said trying to come up with an excuse before he connected the dots "Oh okay"  everyone was talking like normal until about 1 and Sokka said "Me and Zuko are going to go into town and get lunch see you guys later." Everyone nodded and said okay. I got on Appas back and Sokka got on his head to he could steer. After we were far enough they couldnt see I moved next to him "So you ran into a tree?" He said with a smirk "Oh shut up it's your fault anyway." I said crossing my arms "well how could I resist the most beautiful man on the planet" Sokka said and leaned in to kiss me.

Omg this has been so fun because its finally getting a lot of Zukka scenes since I didnt want to rush before I hope you liked it dont forget to vote!!

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