part 11

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Zuko's POV-
I woke up in Sokka's arms, he was still asleep so I just sat there thinking of the night before and how he made me feel last night. Moaning his name in pleasure, his face as he teased me, the feeling of his warm tongue on me, and the only sign left was a hickey right below my collarbone. I got out bed and decided to get dressed since I was super hungry. I looked at the mark he made in the mirror along with the more faded ones going up my neck. I changed my boxers and as I was picking out clothes I heard a yawn from across the room "Hey babe how did you sleep?"I said still looking into the closet for some clothes "Pretty good actually, how about you? You seemed to really tire yourself out last night" he said walking over and wrapping his arms around my waste "I slept great" I said picking out clothes turning around and kissing his forehead as I pulled away so I could change. "I had a great time" I said smiling putting on my pants "Oh I bet you did." Sokka responded sitting on my bed. I walked over, smiled, and gave him a small kiss. "Go get dressed as much as I love you shirtless I doubt Katara and Aang do." I said going to put my own shirt on "Oh fine but you keep up with the sweet talk and you won't be able to sit down." Sokka said with a wink and left. Saying that honestly just made me want to keep going Sokka made me feel amazing I couldn't even imagine how great it would be to go all the way. I got up and combed through my hair I put it in a messy top knot with some of my hair falling onto my face. I closed my door and went into the living room to see Katara braiding Tophs hair "Hey guys" I say with a large smile as I sit on the couch "Hey Zuko!" Katara said "Sup sparky" Toph said, I laughed at the ridiculous nickname but I knew she would never stop calling me by it. I was still smiling "Zuko are you okay? I've never seen you smile this much?" Katara asked finishing Tophs braid "Oh ya I'm fine I guess I'm just really happy." "Happy about what?" Sokka said as he came up from behind me and hugged me across the couch as he kissed my cheek "Katara was just asking why I was smiling." I said holding his arms around me "Okay well what are we having for breakfast I'm starving" Sokka said I was honestly surprised he didnt say anything when I said I was smiling he normally would lovingly tease me for that sort of thing. Sokka jumped over the back of the couch and put his arm around me "Oh shit I forgot about it" Katara said rushing to the kitchen. I leaned my head on Sokka's shoulder as we waited for Katara "So what did you two do last night? I noticed you both went to Zuko's room." Toph said with a smirk "We just cuddled." I said knowing she couldn't see any of it. "Well that's not what I was hearing." She said "Toph your across the house you would have to try to listen to us even if we were yelling at the top of our lungs." Sokka said knowing I was a little loud last night "You were. Also I'm blind you dingbats it makes me able to hear better." My mouth shot open and an embarrassed blush shot over my face "Thank the spirits I couldnt see you so I have no idea what you were doing but Zuko you need to learn how to shut up." Toph said me and Sokka both looked shocked by our failed attempt for her to not notice. She didnt seem to bothered though as Katara walked in with four plates of food handing one to each of us "What's wrong with you both your jaws are practically on the floor?" Katara asked while sitting down to eat "They're just embarrassed cause Zuko cant keep his moans to himself." Toph said taking a bite of her food "Toph! What the hell's wrong with you? You dont just say that to everyone!" I said done with her constantly making fun of us "Do you ever know when to just keep your comments to youself?!" I said angrily as the flame on the nearby candle got bigger "Zuko." Sokka said "Calm down it's okay." Sokka said rubbing my back. Toph got up and left before any of us could say anything "Sorry you had to hear that Katara." I said feeling bad about her having to hear about me moaning her brother's name. "It's okay sorry Toph keeps telling everyone your business I nodded and we all ate soon Aang woke up and we did some training. Sokka and Katara were both watching as we were firebending I soon took off my shirt since it was hot out I continued practicing until I heard Katara say "Stop gushing over Zuko they're trying to train." I turned around and walked over to Sokka "Gushing over me? Well thank you Sokka." I said jokingly as I took a sip of water kissed him on the cheek and went back to practicing. The sun started to set so we all went in I slipped my shirt on and held Sokka's hand as we walked to my room, I undressed and wrapped a towel around my waist "Oh so now your undressing for me?" Sokka said with a smirk "No I'm going to go clean myself up I'm all sweaty." I said taking my hair out of its bun "Okay have a good bath." Sokka said ruffling my hair I walked to the washroom and got in the tub I was sore so I just soaked for a while. An hour turned into two hours, Then Sokka came in and walked over to me "Are you okay? You've been in here for hours." Sokka looked genuinely concerned as he sat next to me "Ya baby I'm fine, I didnt realize I had been in here so long." I started to get up when he pushed me back down by my shoulder. Sokka started to undress I had never really seen him fully naked so i took the time to examine him. He then took out his hair and walked back over to the tub "Sokka what are you doing?" I said as he sat next to me "Well right now I'm sitting with my boyfriend but I could do more if you wanted." Sokka said putting his arm around me "Actually I have a better idea." I said as I got up and sat on his lap, I started to kiss him once the shock of my actions wore off. I disconnected from his lips after a while to check on him "You okay?" I asked not changing my position on his naked body "Oh you have no idea prince Zuko." Sokka said with a smirk as he leaned in again I pulled away from the kiss and moved to his neck "Well shit Zuko" he said slightly moaning as I continued to suck on his neck I moved one of my hands down to touch his perfectly toned chest. His head was slightly tilted back and his mouth was shaped into an O we kept kissing for a while but soon decided to get out of the tub I wrapped my towel around my waste and handed him an extra before he got out. Sokka wrapped the towel around himself and we walked to our rooms I took off my towel and got changed. I wore wide pants and no shirt since I was about to go to sleep. But first I went to the kitchen to see an extra plate of food with a note that read "Zuko here you go we all went to bed" which I assumed was written by Katara I took it to the table and warmed it with a little bit of fire and began eating. When I was almost done Sokka came in and sat at the chair next to me "Hey baby" he said "Hi you look nice." I said gesturing towards his outfit which was a blue shirt with white comfortable pants. "Thank you I'm going to go to bed but I'll see you tomorrow." He said getting up and kissing my head "Okay bye I love you." I accidentally said causing Sokka to stop dead in his tracks "What?" Sokka said turning around "Um I'm sorry I didn't mean to tell you like this." I said sinking my hands into my palms. I had wanted to tell him in a special way but I guess that plan was down the drain. "Y-you love me?" Sokka said sitting back down next to me "Of course I do Sokka, i just wanted to tell you in a special way not like this." I said rubbing my temples. I looked over to see a wide eyed and shocked Sokka "I love you too" he said "What really?" I said not expecting him to say it back "Zuko I have loved you for awhile but i didnt know when or how to say it." Sokka said as he cupped my cheek, I could feel tears forming in my eyes out of happiness "Oh Sokka I love you so much and I'm so happy I could finally tell you." I said moving to sit on his lap "Me too" Sokka said with a relieved looking face as he held me in his arms we stayed there for what felt like forever until Sokka said "Come on we need to get to bed." I nodded we got up and walked to my room. We both got in the bed and he wrapped his strong arms around me and we fell asleep.

Sokka's POV-
I woke up sweating in the middle of the night so I got up and took off my shirt I saw a glimpse of the hickey Zuko gave me earlier and couldn't help but smile at the thought of him. I couldn't believe Zuko loved me it was amazing and I felt happier than I ever have in that moment. I heard Zuko starting to wake up so I went and laid back down with him and I saw a little smile on the sleeping boys face. I fell back asleep and woke up later to the sun coming in through the windows. I got up and walked to my room to get dressed on the way to my room I saw Katara "Good morning" I said with a smile "Hey how did you sleep?" She asked as we both stopped "I slept pretty good. But I need to come in my room I have news!" I said pulling her to my room "Okay what is it?" She asked when we got to my room and I shut the door "Zuko said he loves me!" I said clearly super excited "Omg Sokka I'm so happy for you guys!" She said and gave me a hug then I said "Katara I'm so happy you too are fine now because I really do love him." Keeping our hug "I'm happy too, he really does make you happy" she disconnected our hug and we walked back to the living room "Sokka you might want to get dressed before Aang accidentally tells Toph about your neck." Katara said chuckling "Oh shit your right, I'll be right back." I walked back to my room and slipped on some new clothes. Then I went to Zuko's room to wake him up, I went in and saw him looking in the mirror slightly sad looking. "Good morning" I said coming to sit next to him I looked at us in the mirror but he hadn't said anything or moved "Baby what's wrong?" I asked putting my head on his shoulder. He put his hand up to his scar and I immediately knew what happened. Sometimes he would see his scar and get really upset, he wouldnt lash out or anything he would just get quiet as he looked at it. I sat my head up and turned him to face me, I placed a gentle kiss on his scar and said "Your the most beautiful person I've ever laid eyes on did you know that?" He smiled and hugged me and we just stayed there for a while as I stroked his hair.

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