Part 2

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Zukos POV-

"Hello, Zuko here"
Looking back on it, that was probably not the best wording.

"Why are you here? What do you want from us!" The handsome warrior asked, I froze for a minute forgetting everything I had planned to say. But the hostile looks they all had made me remember why I was there.

"I'm here to apologize and make peace. Nothing more I swear."

I bowed, seemingly puzzling the Avatar. He quickly brushed it off so I continued "I'm so sorry for everything I did to all of you, I want to help you defeat my father. I thought I was doing the right thing by trying to kidnap you but I've learned that is not my destiny. Teaching you fire bending and defeating my father is." The silence after finishing my sentence was deafening. Aang almost spoke up before someone else spoke for him.

"Why on earth would we believe you?!" It was Katara.

I felt so bad for what I did to her in the cave back in Ba Sing Se, but I wanted to help. "Listen, I know I've done many things wrong but I want to make it right. You dont have to welcome me, you dont have to forgive me but please, I know the Avatar needs a fire bending teacher and I'm a master I could help!" I hadn't even noticed I raised my voice until I saw Sokka flinch, I tried to keep my composure as I listened to what was being said "We would never need your help, you're lying, you're just a bad person Zuko and that will never change! Now leave!" Katara yelled her eyes filled with rage "Aang, please tell me what you feel is best and I will honor your opinion" I say calmly hoping for a reply from Aang this time but that didn't work.

"You must be crazy to think we would trust you, you're a murderer! You tried to capture Aang, kill us, and you wiped out so many people along the way! You need to go." Sokka cut in sternly "Guys, I can handle this now let me speak" Aang finally said "Zuko, it's true I need a master but after everything you have done we can't trust you. I'll consider your offer but until then leave and only return if told to." Aang said seeming composed, I was happy he was even considering "Thank you, I'm camped in the forest four miles from here if you need to find me" I bowed and left. It wasnt worst case but definitely wasn't best either. Still, I was greatful.

Sokka's POV-

"Are you both nuts?!" Toph screamed at me and Katara "Aang needs to learn fire bending, and a master shows up and you say no!" "Toph, you dont understand what happened. He followed us all over the world hunting Aang, trying to kill us! Excuse me for not wanting to be murdered!" I yelled a little to loudly. As much as Aang needed a teacher he needed to be safe more, and Zuko was to much of a wild card. "Toph, I told Zuko I'll think about it and I will." Aang said surprisingly calm "Fine but your all idiots." Toph groaned and walked away, I didn't know where she was going but it didn't really matter. Katara stormed away to work on dinner and I went back to my tent.

I decided to take a nap and after a few hours I heard a soft voice calling my name, it was Aang "Hey Aang, what is it?" I said forgetting the days earlier events as my mind was clouded with sleep. "I've come to a decision." Aang said "Go find Toph so I can announce it" I nodded as I put my shirt back on that I had pulled off in my sleep without even knowing. As the summer months were approaching it was getting hotter and hotter. I got up and went to where Toph stormed off to, which was a nearby tree. She sat at the stump starring off to nothing "Aang made his decision" I told her drousily. "Okay" she responded as she stood up.

We got back to the temple and all sat in a circle "So I finally made my decision. I'm going to let Zuko teach me, and before you say anything Toph was right, I need a teacher if I'm going to beat Ozai. Not to mention we already know Zuko's a good firebender." Aang chuckled nervously.

"We need to do this" I sighed after thinking it through in my head.

As much as I didn't like the idea, Aang was right. This was the only way. "Perfect! Thank you Sokka." I nodded before looking over, I could see Katara's eyes fill with anger and pain. "Sokka are you insane! The Fire Nation killed our mom!" I flinched at the memory but that was one of the few problems in our lives we couldn't blame on Zuko.
"You're right, The Fire Nation did kill mom, but that wasn't Zuko. Zuko left everything to teach Aang so that he can defeat the Firelord, it's the Firelord's fault about mom, not Zuko's."

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