part 9

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Zuko's POV-

We approached the small town and landed half a mile away so we wouldn't be recognized. We held hands as we walked up to a small restaurant "After you." Sokka said holding the door open for me "Your so cute." I said with a smile as I walked in with Sokka right behind me "Table for two please" I said to the hostess she sat us down and brought us two menus. I got roast chicken and Sokka got sea prunes. We were holding hands on top of the table as we shared small conversations here and there. Once we finished our food we walked to a small park and sat down "That was fun thank you" i said to Sokka while looking over at him "Well we're gonna have even more fun" Sokka said picking me up it was dark so no one else was outside "Sokka what are you doing? put me down" I said "I'm taking you somewhere." Sokka said starting to walk down a path "Fine but can I at least walk?" I asked feeling weird having him carry me "Okay" he put me down and continued "Can u make some light I cant see the path?" I made a little fire in one hand and held Sokka's arm in the other we kept walking until we got back to the byson we got on and I again asked "Where are we going?" "You'll know when we get there we flew for about 30 minutes until we landed at a small pond surrounded by flowers and oak trees. He let go of my hand and sat down patting the ground next to him. I sat down and it was beautiful you could see the full moon is the pond and it illuminated everything. "Sokka this place is so pretty." I said looking into his bright eyes "Zuko I brought you here because I want to ask you something." He said looking up at the moon "What is it?" I ask putting a finger under his chin and pulling him to face me "Zuko I really care about you. You mean so much to me your the nicest, most sincere, and honest person I know and i know it may seem possessive and weird but I want you all to myself. I want us to be a couple." Sokka said anxiously. I couldnt believe what I was hear 'Sokka wants me to be his boyfriend' I thought excitedly "Sokka I feel the same way about you and i would love for us to be a couple." I said with the biggest smile I think I've ever had "Wait really?" Sokka looked so surprised and happy it was adorable, I leaned in and gave him a small peck "Of course I am." Sokka leaned in again and kissed me I laid back with my arms around hi neck as he was on top of me straddling my body. We kissed passionately and he then started placing kisses down my neck and started sucking again I softly moaned as the boy nibbled on my neck. I felt one of Sokka's hands up my shirt touching my chest and his other keeping him up on me. He moved his head to my face and kept kissing me I slightly moaned and he took the chance to slide his tongue in my mouth we fought for dominance but he ultimately won we kissed for a few minutes until pulled of and started sucking on another part of my neck "S-sokka they'll see those." I said overwhelmed by how he made me feel he stopped and said to me "It doesnt matter what they think your all mine and I want to show it." I nodded and he started again I couldn't believe that's what Sokka thought he was ways so scared of people knowing and now he doesnt care at all 'maybe he  knew I was uncomfortable with people knowing?' That used to be right but with Sokka I didnt have a care in the world, he made me so happy and no one could take that from me. "Sokka" I whisper moaned. Sokka seemed happy about that but he soon pulled away out of exhaustion. He rolled next to me, He was breathing heavily and so was I. We looked over at eachother and smiled. My neck was covered in hickeys that I knew everyone would make fun of because there isnt a great excuse for it. "We should head back before it gets to late." Sokka said sitting up, I could see a faint outline on his pants but tried not to pay attention to it we walked back to Appa and got on "Oh wow I did not mean to give you so many" he said as he saw my neck "Its okay, like you said I'm all yours I said leaning in giving him a long kiss. We took off and soon got to the campsite it was late so no one was awake. We went to our tents and fell asleep.

I woke up and got dressed. I stepped out of my tent and went to breakfast I sat next to Katara and stayed eating my food "Zuko?" She asked "Yeah what up?" I said finishing my bite of noodles "What's on your neck?at me guess you ran into a bunch of trees?" She said with a chuckle I had forgotten about all the hickeys until she had just mentioned them "Oh shit I forgot about those." I said trying to brush it off "Wow what a coincidence Zuko has Mark's on his neck after going out with Sokka." Toph said to everyone they all started laughing. Then Sokka came over and sat next to me "So what are we laughing at?" He said I stayed quiet and kept my head down until Aang said "Honestly idk something about Zuko's neck but I dont really get it." Sokka nearly choked on his water and started coughing I rubbed his back trying to help. Then Toph whispered something to Aang and his eyes widened "Toph why would you tell him! Your such a bad influence." Katara said "Oh suck it, he should know what a hickey is." Toph said causing Katara to roll her eyes. Sokka stopped coughing so I asked him "Sokka are you okay?" "Umm yeah i think so that's just not what I was expecting to hear." He responded. I chuckled nervously and tried to change the subject "So guys I have an idea, my family has an abandoned summer home in ember island we could all have our own rooms and it has plenty of space to train Aang." "Are you sure it's safe? It sounds kind of questionable." Katara said "I'm 100 percent sure it's been abandoned since I was a young child." I said "Well i think it would be cool." Sokka said grabbing my hand "I'm on board." Toph said "sounds cool" Aang joined in "okay well everyone pack up we'll leave in an hour" Katara said we all got up and I went to my tent I was packing when i heard someone come up behind and hug me "Hey beautiful, sorry if I got a little to carried away last night and embarrassed you." "Sokka you could never embarrass me, I had fun." I said holding the the boys arms which were around my shoulders "Well I'm glad maybe we can have more nights like that when we get to that house you were talking about." Sokka said and kissed my cheek "Oh definitely, but for now we need to finish packing so go get your stuff together." I said "Ugh fine" Sokka said letting go "See you soon" and then left. I finished packing and then put my tent down everyone else was doing the same. Then we loaded up Appa and got on. I sat next to Sokka but Toph had to hold on to his arm because she couldnt see so we couldnt cuddle or anything. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous but Sokka was my boyfriend and I had the marks to prove it. So I just went to sleep. I woke up to Sokka "Baby? Come on we're here." Sokka said rubbing my cheek "Baby? Really?" Toph said."Shut it" Sokka snapped back. I woke up and got off of Appa and Toph wouldnt stop about Sokka calling me baby "I mean seriously could you not find a better nickname?" Toph said laughing Aang got on an air scooter and pinched her since she couldn't see him "Oww" Toph said "Stop it Toph it's none of your business what Sokka calls his boyfriend." Aang said while still on an air scooter so she couldn't hit him "Thank you Aang" I said when we walked in I showed everyone their rooms and they went to unpack I showed Sokka's last I followed him in and licked the door behind me "Hey there" Sokka said as I jumped into his arms with my legs wrapped around his as he held by upper thighs to support me. I leaned in and kissed him dint stop  until I felt his knees shaking under my weight I got off of him and took him to the nearest wall I pinned him down and started kissing him again I pulled away from him to catch my breathe "Oh I like this side of you." Sokka said pulling me in by shirt our lips pressed together again and I could feel my pants getting tighter as the kiss got sloppier. My one hand was wall as the other was cupping Sokka's cheek and my leg separated his against the wall, his arm were around my waist pulling me closer our hips were practically touching so I knew he could feel the large bulge in my pants but I didnt care I just wanted to keep kissing him forever. He flipped me over against the wall and pinned my wrists above my head without even breaking the kiss it almost escalated until there was a knock at the door "Who is it?" Sokka asked letting go of me "It's Aang Toph me to tell you to quit it I dont what shes talking about though" Aang said through the door "Oh ok tell her I said sorry." We both erupted laughing "Let's continue this on wood next time." Sokka said walking to his bed to start unpacking "Definitely" I said kissing his cheek and having the room i went to my old room to put my stuff away. I finished unpacking and went to the wash room to clean up I knocked and there was no answer so I just walked in. Of course in the tub there was a naked Sokka who looked to be asleep "Sokka." I said waking him up "huh what is it?" He asked jumping a little "You fell asleep in the tub that's why you didnt answer when I knocked sorry by the way, come get me when your done." I said turning around and walking out. I didnt mean to but I accidentally saw it when I was talking to him. It looked still hard from earlier and it was big, like really big. I tried to not think about but I couldn't I was just sitting on my bed in the towel I went into the washroom wearing as I waited for Sokka to come say he was done after about ten minutes he came in and said "I'm all done he was just wearing his towel with his hair down and soaking wet as I walked by he whispered to me "I know you saw it." I stopped with a stunned look on my face and I continued to walk to the washroom I got into the tub and cleaned myself off thinking of what Sokka had said to me he was half asleep so I didn't think he would realize I was looking at him. I just sat there soaking wanting to think about something else.

Oop we getting a little freakyy hope you liked this chapter!! Dont forget to vote

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