part 21

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Between the last chapter and this one it has been two years

Sokka's POV-

I couldn't believe that I was finally doing it "Fire lord Zuko, will you marry me?" i asked holding up a hand carved betrothal necklace with a red and blue patterned band along with a dark purple crystal with the fire and water signs joined together "Of course I will!" Zuko said with tears in his eyes, I delicately placed the necklace around his scarred neck and pulled him into a kiss. The gAang cheered in excitement from the other side of the almost empty jasmine dragon "Congratulations!" Katara said running up to hug us. It felt amazing to know i would be with my soulmate for the rest of our days, I've been so excited about this since he gave me my promise ring. "Sokka, I love you so much." Zuko said pulling me into a soft and warm hug "I love you too." I responded softly into his shoulder "Wait, does this make Sokka a fire lady or like fire lord in training?" Toph asked laughing "Honestly, I don't know. I'm going to be the first fire nation royal to ever marry the same gender." Zuko said holding my hand firmly "What about fire dude?" I laughed "Let's just go with my husband." Zuko said kissing my hand softly.

When we got back to the palace me and Zuko never let go of each other. I was so happy i couldn't stop smiling, even when Katara decided to take it upon herself to plan the wedding "Tara, can't you just plan your own? Plus I have a feeling that royal weddings get planned a little bit more than normal ones." I said "That's why it would be fun! I would get to learn about fire nation customs." "Katara, your going to marry a fire bender anyway. Just do that for your wedding." I said making Aang blush at the thought of marrying my sister "Fine, but I'm not wearing an ugly bridesmaid dress."  she responded folding her arms "There isn't a bride though" Toph said making Zuko and I laugh "Let's face it, Sokka may as well be a bride." Suki responded making Zuko giggle even more "Hey!" I said offended.

Five months later...

Zuko's POV-

"Aang, I'm so scared but so excited at the same time." I said nervously "It will be fine, this is going to be the best day of your life!" Aang responded pulling me up and going to grab my wedding robes from the closet. I got dressed and pulled my hair into my top knot, but I did a small braid also going into the bun similar to how Sokka did my hair when we visited the southern tribe. "I'm going to get the headpiece and necklace from the throne room." Aang said and closed the door behind him. I had always imagined this day but never dreamed it would be Sokka who I was marrying, I always thought I would have to marry Mai because of my father but now I can marry the one person I love more than anything Sokka.

At sunset me and Sokka walked up together along two isles leading to a large arch covered in red and blue flowers. All of our friends and Sokka's family were in the audience, I wanted Azula to be there but she hasn't fully recovered so I thought it wouldn't be safe if she came. As we joined at the arch I could just look into Sokka's beautiful eyes all I wanted "Thank you everyone for coming to watch us join fire lord Zuko, and Sokka of the southern water tribe together in marriage..." the fire sage continued with the marriage speech until it was time for me and Sokka's vows "Sokka, I know we will always have an odd history together you truly helped me to be the better person I am now and will always be so thankful for that. I love you." I said almost tearing up but trying to keep it together "I never thought that I could love someone as much as I love you, I especially never would have dreamed to marry the fire prince I've known for so long, you have helped me grow as a person and I will always love you for that." Sokka announced making me not be able to hold back my tears of love. Aang and Katara walked up the isle with Aang holding a blue pillow with a golden headpiece traditionally worn by the fire prince but with added gems and details, he was in the avatar state because he wanted avatar Roku to be able to see his great-grandson get married but he was still fully aware of everything happening. Katara was walking next to him holding a red pillow with the betrothal necklace Sokka gave me in one hand and Aang's in the other to keep him grounded. Aang handed me the headpiece and Katara gave Sokka the necklace "You can now exchange your signs of love." the fire sage said, I placed the crown in Sokka's bun which he didn't wear a lot but he knew that it was needed for the head piece. Then he clipped the necklace on me "You can now kiss the groom!" the sage said backing up as me and Sokka exchanged a sweet kiss earning cheers from the audience, we both pulled away smiling and waved to everyone as we held hands.

After the ceremony we had a after party at the palace, "Congrats both of you" Hakoda said pulling me and Sokka into a tight hug "Thank you dad" Sokka said with the same smile that hadn't left his face all night "Who would have thought my son would marry the fire lord" Hakoda added laughing. The party continued for a while but I stepped outside for a small break from all the interaction, as I sat on the steps I saw Katara sitting down looking at the moon "Hey Katara." I said sitting down "Zuko? Shouldn't you be inside with Sokka?" Katara asked looking over at me "There's just a lot of people, I needed a break." I said looking in front of me at the large gate surrounding the palace "Yeah same. I decided to sit out here because it's a full moon, and even when i'm not bending it feels great" Katara smiled "Yeah, everything feels great today. I still can't believe Aang spent almost all the ceremony in the avatar state." I chuckled "Well you did make history, I think Roku would definitely want to see it." Katara said, we stayed outside for a while until Katara went inside and Sokka came to sit with me "Hey husband" he said kissing my cheek "Hi Sokka" I responded not breaking my stare at the moon "You and Yue getting to know each other?" Sokka giggled as he also looked up "I don't think she would like me." I said sadly thinking about how Zhao was the reason she died "I think she would like you, Your actually pretty similar. You both carried out your destiny's no matter how scary they were." Sokka told me while he rested his head on my shoulder. When he said that we saw a translucent figure of Yue floating in front of us "I'm happy for you Sokka" she said and disappeared "Yue?" he asked in shock "I think it was." I told him just as shocked "Oh my spirits" Sokka said with gentle tears filling his eyes, I wrapped my arm around his waist so he would hopefully not be sad by the short interaction with his first love. "Come on, let's go back inside.' I said after consoling him for a few minutes. When we went back inside we decided to go see Iroh since we hadn't talked yet "Uncle!" I said running up to him with a hug "Congratulations prince Zuko" he told me keeping our hug, uncle still called me prince but i liked it since i was more used to it. "Iroh!" Sokka said coming up to  us "Hello Sokka, congrats" he said giving Sokka a gentle shorter hug "I'm so happy you were here to see us get married" I told Iroh "I would never miss my nephew's wedding." he replied with a smile. We talked with Iroh and other guests until eventually everyone was gone but me, Sokka, Katara, Aang, Toph, and Suki. We all sat in the living room and Toph and Aang were asleep "I need to go see to something, I'll be back in a few hours." I said and kissed Sokka.

I walked to the palace prison a few miles away, when i got there the guards congratulated me on my wedding and led me to his cell "Hello father" I said sitting on a chair across from his cell "Wow what an honor, the fire lord came to greet little me." he responded sarcastically "I wanted to inform you of today's events." I said "Must be important since you came all the way here" Ozai slouched against the wall "Actually it is, I got married today.""How? I was told of you and Mai splitting up after you were crowned" Ozai said surprised "I got married to Sokka, a friend of avatar Aang" I knew my father could never be trusted but he was still my father "You disgust me!" he yelled getting closer to the edge of his cell "I don't care. Goodbye." I said calmly and left. I didn't go back to the palace though, instead i walked to the asylum Azula was in. She was doing much better but was still slightly bipolar and had severe anger issues "Hi Zula" I said sitting next to her "Hello Zuzu" she responded looking up from her drawing that looked a lot like Ty Lee "Remember how i told you Sokka proposed a few months ago? Well today was the wedding." I smiled at her noticing how much better she looked than last time. She wore her hair down all except for a small bun on her head that had a red ribbon, and she wore a red shirt with black pants like normal just without any fire emblems as they trigger her PTSD at times. "I'm happy for you." she said. We talked for a few hours until i went back to the castle. It looked like everyone was asleep so I went to my room and saw Sokka asleep on the bed. i disrobed, put on my pajamas, and crawled into bed next to him "I love you Sokka"


Hey guys so thank you so much for 1k reads! I hope you liked the final chapter of this story and there will be many more in the future, please tell me if you have any ideas for new projects. Don't forget to vote and have a great day!!

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