part 7

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Sokka's POV-

"Zuko what's wrong?" I said running to his side "Sh-she saw you on my l-lap" He said barely able to form a sentence "Yes what about it?" I said confused. "What if she tells Aang and Toph they'll hate me!" "Zuko, they would never hate you for that they already know I like boys, it doesn't matter If you do too." I said brushing my fingers through his hair "But what if my father finds out. He'll have me killed!" He said shaking "He won't find out I promise." He nodded. He laid down on my and I could feel his breathing normalize and soon heard quiet snores as I ran my hands through his hair. No wonder he never explicitly told me his father must have been pretty bad about that sort of thing. The sun was setting and we needed to go back to the temple, I tried waking him up and it didnt work so as usual I picked up the sleeping boy and took him to his room. When we approached the temple I felt all eyes on me I knew Katara told at least someone if not all of them which meant I had to talk to Suki. I laid Zuko in his bad and put the cover over him and then went back to the main room "Hey Sokka!" Toph said "Hi guys." I said sitting as far from Katara as possible. We chatted for a while with Katara glaring my way every few minutes. I whispered to Suki who was next to me "I need to talk to you alone." She nodded and we got up I took her to the hallway and she started kissing me I pulled away fast "What the hell are you doing Suki!" "What do you mean you said you wanted to talk privately I figured this is what you meant" she said and started sucking on my neck "Get off of me! I'm here to actually talk to you its important." I said pulling away from her "Fine what do you want to talk about?" She said looking annoyed but was still listening to what I was going to say "Suki we broke up a while ago i broke out of prison because your my friend, I dont like you like that anymore, I like someone else." Suki looked surprised by my words "I knew you like that Zuko guy!" Suki yelled a little to loud "Hush up would you!" "And it doesnt matter who I like what matters is you need to stop being all touching with me it makes me uncomfortable." I said trying to be nice but still get my point across "Okay I'm sorry I'll stop." Thank you" I said as we walked back. When we got back we saw an angry Katara. "Sokka what the hell you like Zuko!?" "What are you talking about?" I said not wanting her to know about me and Zuko until he was comfortable with it "I heard Suki say you like him you nutbrain! Is that why you were sitting on his lap earlier!" Katara yelled causing Toph to spit out her tea at the last part "No of course not you idiot I told you were hugging! And Suki only thought I liked him!" I yelled back at Katara pointing to Suki who had sat down already "Then why are you always picking him up! And why are you two always alone together!" This was all in front of my father who knew I liked Zuko but could tell I wasnt comfortable sharing it "I picked him up twice so he could sleep in his bed instead of on a byson all night!" "Oh ya sure." Katara said sarcastically "Both of you stop now! Katara it is none of your business who Sokka likes especially when he tells you he doesnt like that person!" Hakoda said as he stepped in between us "Sokka clearly likes him though!" Katara yelled back at our father "So what it's none of your business like I said so leave your brother alone!" "Fine" Katara scoffed as she left "Thank you dad." I said and hugged my father "Of course. Now come eat." I sat down next to Toph which was probably a bad idea considering what she just heard "So sparky was on your lap earlier?" She said with a mischievous grin "Not now Toph." I said eating my soup "Fine" she said with a sad tone like she wanted to keep making fun of me. Once we all finished our food I cleaned up and went to my room. I kept tossing and turning not being able to sleep. I decided to walk to Zuko's room I quietly knocked and whispered "Zuko?" There was no answer so I went in to see the boy tucked against the wall I walked over and played down next to him I heard a faint "hmm?" "Its Sokka I cant sleep" I said quietly "Okay" he said groggily as he turned to face me he carried his face in my bare chest (I usually slept with no shirt and some baggy pants) I wrapped an arm around him and quickly fell asleep holding my favorite person.

It was the next morning and I woke up to a faint yawn coming from next to me. I held Zuko tighter in my arms as we cuddled I was barely awake and the we heard a knock but before we could separate Aang had walked in "Oh um hey guys sorry to interrupt but breakfast us ready." He looked a little shocked "Thank you Aang we'll be there in a minute he left and then I tried to wake Zuko up. I sat up and said "Zuko wake up we need to go eat." I pulled the blankets off of him realizing he was only in his normal red boxers "Mmmm" he said sitting up "Come on baby you have to get up." I said with a smile as I sat next to him "Baby?" He said looking confused "Oh spirits I'm sorry I didn-" I was cut off my a warm hug. This time Zuko was the one on my lap hugging me. We then got up and I went to my room to get dressed.

Zuko's POV-

"Baby?" I said confused "Oh spirits I'm sorry I didn-" I cut him off with a hug. Then Sokka left to get dressed and I did the same. I knew Aang saw us cuddling but I didnt carr all I cared about was Sokka, he was my favorite person to be around. I put on a red shirt and baggy black pants that cuffed right above my ankle. I walked out to the main room and got some food as I sat down everyone was looking at me. "Is something wrong?" I asked not knowing why they were all starring. Toph was about to speak until Sokka walked in "Have Sokka tell you." She said and took a bite of her food "Sokka why is everyone starring at me?" I asked as he sat next to me "Because Katara is a loudmouth who doesnt know when to shut up." Everyone looked at him in shock as he casually ate his food. Katara wasnt in the room but that didnt stop the awkwardness "Sokka dont speak of your sister that way!" Sokka's dad said "Well its true, she just had to announce to everyone that she thinks I like Zuko." Sokka said annoyed. I was shocked by what he said "Wait what was she saying?" I asked wanting to know what she said about me "Its not important" Sokka said "Well clearly it is since your so upset about it." "Fine, after I brought you to your room I talked to Suki and she decided to yell that she thought I liked you, Katara heard and decided to talk about infront of everyone and she told everyone that we were hugging and that it was weird I brought you to bed a few times." Sokka said annoyed even talking about it "I need to go" I said and walked to my room 'shit shit shit now everyone knows he was sitting on my lap and Aang saw us cuddling and Toph could see everything.'  Now Suki, Aang, Toph, Katara, and probably Hakoda knew me and Sokka have a kind of thing. There was a knock on my door so I got up and opened the door I saw Sokka standing there and then he jumped into my arms "Zuko I'm sorry, I know you were scared up people finding out and now they know and I'm so sorry." "Its okay but I need to know something come in here." I said closing the door behind Sokka we both sat on my bed and I asked "Sokka remember when you told me that the reason Katara hates me is because the fire nation killed your mother?" "Yes?" Sokka looked confused to why I was bringing this up. "Do you remember anything important about the ships, like the flag?" I asked "Ya umm sea ravens. It had sea ravens on the flag." He said trying to remember "Sokka I know who killed your mother."   "Wait what how?" Sokka looked surprised. "It was a group called the southern raiders and I think if I took Katara to them she would get closure and not hate me anymore!" Sokka looked opposed to the idea "Zuko are you crazy I dont even want to think about what she would do if she saw the man that killed our mom!" He said standing up "Sokka I didnt say I would automatically take her I'm just going to tell her about it." But before we could talk anymore I felt a huge bang we ran outside to see Azula attacking us.

Time skip

We were now setting up our tents at a mountain a while away from the temple. We got separated from Hakoda and Suki but everyone else was still together. We went to sleep as soon as we set up because by that time we were all tired. The next morning I left my tent to eat everyone was in a circle around a campfire. I sat next to Sokka and smiled at him. "Camping feels like old time doesnt it guys?" Everyone nodded in agreement and then I said "well if you really want it to feal like old times air can chase you around a bit." Everyone started laughing but Katara she just said "ha ha" sarcastically and stormed off I went to go talk to her "Katara I know why you hate me so much." I said "No you dont you'll never understand!" She yelled at me as she looked over the cliff we were standing at "Katara I know who killed your mother." I said blankly trying to not be thrown over the cliff "What? Are you sure?" She said turning around to face me "It was the captain of the sea ravens, a fire nation group." "Do you know where to find him?" She said looking desperate "Yes we would have to break into an information tower and we could find where they are stationed." "We're going tonight" she said "And dont tell Aang he"ll try to talk us out of it." I nodded and walked off wanting to leave her alone I went to my tent and packed a small bag of stuff we would need. The time passed quickly until everyone went to bed "Zuko?" I heard a whisper from outside my tent I opened it to see Katara wearing all black "Are you ready?" "Ya let me grab my swords I said reaching to my antique dual swords I grabbed my bag and we walked to Appa. When we started to get on Aang was already there "What are you two doing?" He asked "We're going to find the man who killed my mother" Katara said Aang got off the byson and said "What how?" "Zuko knows where he is so dont try to talk me out of it." She said getting on the byson "I wont but please when you see him choose forgiveness and dont hurt him." Katara scoffed and we flew away. The ride was awkward since we've never talked other than arguing "Katara you should get some sleep we'll be there soon" I said "I dont need to sleep I need to find this man."

Hey so hope you liked this chapter next chapter will be more about Katara and Zuko hating eachother less and of course some zukka fluff so hope your excited!

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