part 4

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Zukos POV-

I turned around to see a pissed off Katara in my doorway "Hello" I say hoping to keep peace "Dont 'hello' me you know what you did I'm not falling for any of this 'I'm good now' act. I already trusted you once and that got Aang killed I will never trust you again. If you slip up at all and give me any reason to think you will hurt Aang your destiny will be over right there. Got it?!" "Yes" I said surprised by her response I knew it would be bad but not murdering me. I dont blame her she's right I did get Aang killed if I wouldn't have done that I wouldn't have to go through this. I'm so thankful Katara could revive him and we lost I dont know what would happen to the world without the avatar. I looked up to see Katara leaving she could tell by the troubled look on my face her work was done. I sat there on the bed face in my palms. I regret what I did more than anything ever even more than the events that led to my scar and banishment. I betrayed Katara, Iroh, Aang, and the whole world. It's my fault the fire nation took over ba sing se and was even more ahead in the war. I felt a tear leave my eye then more until I was sitting there quietly sobbing until I heard a knock at my door "who is it?" I called out "it's me Sokka. Can I come in?" "One second" I said as I tried to wipe my tears with my sleeve. I got up and opened the door, there he was the handsome warrior seeing me eyes red and puffy with dried tears on my face. It was embarrassing how weak I was. It was only my first day how had i already broke down and let them see me like this. "Zuko are you okay?" Sokka looked worried as he walked in and sat down I did the same. "Of course why wouldn't I be?" "Zuko I know we're not close but I can still tell when someones been crying. What happened?" He said gently rubbing my back I almost broke down again at the embrace but I kept it together "I'm fine" I said not wanting to look weak like my father always said. The next thing I know is Sokka is pulling me into the best hug I've ever received "You can talk to me Zuko" he said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear "I'm sorry Sokka it's my fault Katara just came in here and told me how it's my fault Aang died and that I betrayed everyone. But that's not what hurt what did was the fact everything she said was true Sokka, I helped Azula, abandoned you all and because of that she won the fight, struck Aang and took over ba sing se." At this point I was crying into Sokka's shoulder being comforted by his embrace "Zuko that's not true your father and Azula manipulated you, they made you think that you needed them. It's not your fault Azula won she would have no matter what she had the dai Lee and even with you we would have lost. You didnt kill Aang Azula did. Even if you made a mistake your fixing it now you know that you made a bad decision and that's all that matters." I looked into Sokka's eyes which were flooded with worry as he stroked my face. I never knew he could be so compassionate I felt safer with him that I had with 20 guards. "Thank you so much" I said still getting lost in his ocean blue eyes "I'm sorry about Katara the fire nation..." he looked like he was going to start crying "You dont have to tell me" I said "No you deserve to know why Katara is doing this. When I was 9 there was a raid on our village that's when the fire nation killed our mom." I was shocked as I saw tears fill Sokka's eyes "Katara and my father found her body she was burned badly. It traumatized Katara and ever since she hates the fire nation with all of her heart." Sokka said still hugging me I started to squeeze him tightly in an attempt to comfort him "She cant see burns or any form of the fire nation without thinking of it. That's why we didnt bring anything with the insignia on it, it would be to much for her. I think that's why she gets so upset with you because your a symbol of the fire nation." I knew my scar had something to do with it but he didnt mention it "That doesnt excuse what she did to you at all though Zuko, I'm going to talk to her. If I were you I would keep distance from her for now" Sokka said wiping a tear off his cheek. I never wanted to leave the hug normally I wouldn't let anyone be this close to me not even Iroh but I needed this right now and so did Sokka we stayed there silently for a while until he pulled away "I'm going to talk to her, you can always talk to me when you need it. I'm here." Sokka said then got up and placed a kiss on my forehead. I felt much better after talking to him I now understood why Katara hated me so much. I hoped she could forgive me but I knew it would take a while. I soon drifted to a nap that I much needed.

Sokka's POV-

"Katara!" I yelled though the whole temple anger fueled my body 'Why the hell would she do that to him!' "What" Katara shouted from the dining area. I stomp in and immediately go off on her "What the hell is wrong with you Katara! Telling Zuko it's his fault Aang died. That's disgusting and an awful thing to do"i yelled getting louder and louder. She opened her mouth to speak but I cut her off "I dont care what he did to us you dont tell him he killed Aang! Azula killed Aang not Zuko he was in his room crying his eyes out because you just had to shove every bad thing the poor guy has ever done in his face!" "Sokka it is his fault! We would have won if he didnt betray us!" Katara yelled back "Katara we were against an army of highly trained earth benders we would have lost no matter what! Azula manipulated Zuko and made him think that he needed her she and Ozai have been doing it his whole life!" I was yelling so loud Toph had to take Aang away "Are you forgetting what the fire nation did to mom?! I had to see her Sokka, do you expect to welcome anyone from the fire nation much less the prince!" "Katara your not the only one with trauma! You of all people know what happened to Zuko. His mother was most likely killed, his sister was a psychopath, and his father manipulated him and then burned his whole left side of his upper body! When he was 13! He cant even see out of his left eye then he was banished to fend for himself the only reason hes alive is his uncle! We all understand you have trauma Katara but that is not an excuse to bring up every mistake someone with just as much trauma as you has made in there life!" I needed a break for a second then I kept talking "You want us all to hate Zuko and not accept him but then you do this! You must truly be an idiot because of you Katara me and him are now closer than I thought possible because I had to console him and reassure him you weren't going to kill him! You blame him for murder then You threaten his life!" "I'm done Katara I cant deal with you anymore I'm going to make sure Zuko is okay and you better leave him alone!" I could barely breath at that moment I was so angry with Katara for doing that normally I would listen to her but today I couldnt I was so mad I couldnt see straight. I peeked into zukos room to see him fast asleep I go over to put his blanket over then I go to bed" i dreamt of Zuko. The dream was that me and him were laying in a field of flowers cuddling it was the nicest dream I've had since the invasion.
I woke up and it looked to be around 9 I got out of my room and went to the main living area i saw Toph bending some small rocks and Aang talking to Zuko I decided to sit next to Zuko "Good morning Sokka." Aang said looking oddly happy "Hey guys what's up?" "Well I was trying to work with Aang on his fire but my bending Is super weak so we decided we're going to the sun warrior ruins to try and learn some skills since there the closest the the original benders." Zuko said with a soft smile he seemed to be feeling better "That's cool!" I was interested in that but I was more interested in talking to Zuko "Hey Zuko can I talk to you privately?" I asked "Ya sure." I dragged Zuko by the wrist and into the hall "Are you feeling okay I know yesterday was probably alot on you?" "Ya I'm feeling better still not great but you really helped me Sokka, Thank you" Zuko responded in his deep voice "You dont have to thank me, I still feel bad for her saying all those things." I said a little defeated "I heard you yelling at her. You ready didnt have to she's your sister and I dont want that getting messed up because of me." "Dont be stupid she cant go around threatening everyone she doesn't like" I responded. Zuko simply nodded and we walked back to Aang "Hey guys. Zuko go get your stuff together I found where the temples are on the map." Aang told Zuko as we approached "Ok I'll go pack." They bothered the room so it was just me and Toph "So when did you start liking sparky?" I didnt know what she meant because I didn't like him like that "What are you talking about Toph we're just friends." "Your heart rate stupid, whenever you get close to him it goes way up." Toph said giggling 'is that true? But Zukos only my friend' "Toph, Zukos straight so even if that was true it wouldn't matter." Yes I thought Zuko was very attractive but I didnt like him like that. "Whatever you say loverboy." "Hey guys we're gonna get going we'll be back in 2 days." Aang said. I really hoped Zuko didnt hear Toph. "Do you know where Katara is I need to go say bye?" Aang said and unsettled feeling passed over me and Zuko. Toph obviously noticed so she responded for me. "I haven't seen her but we'll tell her where your going." "Okay we'll see you soon bye." Aang said with a wave. I waved back as they got on Appa and left.


Hi guys! I love this chapter and it was super fun to write but keep in mind I love Katara I just wanted to exaggerate the scene for some drama<3

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