part 15

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Zuko's POV-
"I'm leaving." Sokka said walking away "Toph what the hell! Just because you can hear something doesn't mean you have to blurt in out!" I yell standing up "How is this my fault?!" Toph yells "It's completely your fault! What do you think Aang is the one constantly making Sokka embarrassed to be with his boyfriend? If you need to make fun of us at least do it in private not around his sister and best friend!" I yell furious as all the flames near me get larger and larger "Zuko calm down!" Aang says "No I'm done with this! Toph you need to learn how to shut your mouth and quit acting like everyone but me and Sokka are perfect!" I say and walk away Tophs mouth was wide open in both shock and fiery. I walk into Sokka's room to see him crying on his bed, I walk over and try to hug him but he pushes me off "I'm sorry I just yelled at Toph and told her to stop" I say rubbing his back "Why does she always have to do that? It just sucks that I can't even make out with you without getting teased." He said looking at the floor "I know." I told him in a sad voice, then we heard a knock. I got up to see who it was and it was Toph "What are you here to make fun of us again?" I asked rudely "No I'm here to apologize. Can I come in?" She said seeming sincere so I opened the door more allowing her in "Look I'm sorry I've been making fun of you guys I was trying to joke and took it to far." She said starring at the wall with a neutral expression "Thanks I guess" Sokka said, I knew he couldnt hold a grudge against Toph because she was basically his sister but for now Sokka was still upset. Toph left and I hugged Sokka "How are you feeling?" I ask still holding him in my arms "That helped a little, but I'm still mad at her" "I know" I said leaning my head on his shoulder.

Time skip

It was a month later, We had forgiven Toph and she stopped embarrassing us like that. I permanently got rid of the law restricting same sex marriage so me and Sokka would go on dates at least once a week. Now we were all hanging out in the living room "Okay guys I have a fun idea" I said holding Sokka in my arms "What is it sparky?" Toph said and put down her small rock "Well I think we should all take a trip to the southern water tribe! Toph you don't have to go but I still think we would all have a lot of fun." I said smiling "That would be awesome! We would get to see our dad and I'm sure the tribe would love to see Aang again." Katara did happily "I live the tribe I'd be happy to go!" Aang said sitting up "I wouldnt be able to see so I would need a guide and I dont want any of you to have to lead me around all the time" Toph said relaxed "That's no problem I'll help you!" Sokka said "Well okay then let's do it!" Toph said and we all agreed to leave the next day. Me and Sokka were in my room that we pretty much shared packing "Are you excited I know how much you miss your dad" i said putting a shirt in the bag "Yeah I'm excited, I just haven't been back since we first went to travel with Aang" Sokka said with a worried expression. I walked over and put my arms around his hips "You'll have alot of fun, I promise" I said kissing him causing a big smile to form on his face "I love you" "I love you too" I said going back to my closet to finish my packing.

I woke up to a maid in my room telling me that the air ships were ready "Sokka wake up we have to get ready" I whispered in the sleeping boys ear. When he wouldnt wake up I started kissing all over his face and ears, he woke up in a giggling fit "Zuko haha what are doing?" He said smiling but still sleepy "Come on we leave today" I said and placed a final kiss on his forehead as I got up and began getting dressed. Sokka stayed in bed just looking at me as I took off my night shirt "Sokka why are you still in bed?" I ask grabbing a new shirt "Just enjoying the show" he said smiling "Well you could have just asked" I say and jump onto him as I kiss his soft lips. Sokka put his hand on my bare chest and outlined the scar I got from Azula's lightning with his finger "Now come on we have to leave soon" I said getting off of him "Ugh fine mr fire lord" he said smiling. We finished getting ready and met up with everyone outside the air ships "You guys ready?" I asked "I hate having to be completely blind" Toph said as she reluctantly got on the ship "At least you can kind of see on the ship" Aang said smiling holding Katara's hand "Wow that's so great" Toph said sarcastically causing me and Sokka to laugh as we got on aswell. Me and Sokka had to share a room since there were only 3 on the airship and so did Katara and Aang. Sokka and I didnt care much though since he always slept with me anyway "Zuko what kind of metal is this?" Toph asked as me and her sat in a small common area "I'm not going to lie, I have no idea" I say shrugging "Well  its awful quality but that's good for me since I can see more" she said laughing, "Hey babe." Sokka said walking over and sitting on my lap "Hi" I responded leaning my head against him "Oogies!" Toph yelled "Guess we're in time to give Toph the oogies" Aang said laughing and kissing Katara "Your all evil" Toph said slightly pouting "We're not stopping you from dating" Sokka said adjusting his hips causing me to blush "Sokka quit it" I said because I knew he was going it on purpose "What I'm not doing anything" he said with an evil grin "Anyways, there is someone I kind of have a crush on but its against every friendship rule ever." Toph said uncomfortably feeling my heart rate go up at Sokkas motions "What! Who?" Katara asked as she braided her hair to the side "It's not important" she said blushing "Hey guys!" Suki said walking in, Suki was my new bodyguard since we're close friends. Tophs cheeks got beat red and she looked away from Suki "What are we talking about?" She asked sitting at a nearby chair "Nothing!" Toph accidentally yelled causing me to giggle and whisper in Sokkas ear "I think Toph likes Suki." "That makes complete sense!" Sokka said outloud "What does?" Aang asked "Oh I think To-" I was cut off my Sokka moving his hips subtlety "Nothing" he said with a huge smile "Sokka dont you think its rude to do that infront of your ex girlfriend?" Katara said rolling her eyes "I'm not doing anything"

Sokka's POV-
I rolled my hips making Zuko shut up quickly. "Sokka dont you think its rude to do that infront of your ex girlfriend?" Katara said "I'm not doing anything" I responded defensively "Oh sureee" she said sarcastically "So again what were you guys talking about?" Suki asked "Well Toph was telling us she has a crush in someone but wont tell us who." Aang said snuggling with Katara "Oh really? That's awesome crushes are surprisingly really fun" Suki said smiling as she looked at a really red Toph. "Toph have you been drinking?" Katara asked causing us all to laugh "What? No, none of you would ever let me even if I wanted to" Toph said still giggling "Well I was just asking because your face is really red" Katara said straight up. I looked at Zuko and he was holding back mischievous laughter. Tooh got even more red and got up "Sokka can you help me get to my room? I have some more unpacking to do" "Yeah of course!" I said getting up and throwing a pillow at Zukos crotch since my hips got him a little excited. Toph attached to my arm and we walked off "Why did he throw a pillow at you?" Aang asked innocently causing me and Toph to laugh since we both knew why. We got to Tophs room and I decided to stay and talk to her "So who do you have a crush on?" I asked leaning against the wall "Sokka I told you i shouldn't like her anyway so I'm just going to get over it" Tooh said and then shot up realizing she revealed to much information "Shes a girl?" I asked happily "Well I guess theres no lying now. Yeah she is" Toph said sitting on her bed looking down "I knew it! Its Suki isnt it?" I said smiling "W-what? No of course n-not" she said blushing "Oh my spirits that's so cute!" I said slightly jumping up and down "I'm sorry Sokka I know she's your ex so it's just weird for me to like her." Toph said sadly "Toph I'm with Zuko plus me and Suki broke up a while ago, I think it's awesome you like her!" I said "Wait really? I thought you would be mad" toph said looking up "That's ridiculous. Now I have to go make sure Zuko isnt embarrassing himself see you later!" I said waving and walking out and into the common room to hear Katara and Suki laughing "Hey guys what up?" I say sitting next to a red faced Zuko "You totally weren't doing anything earlier Sokka" Katara said sarcastically laughing "Aang what's happening?" I ask since hes the only person not laughing or on the verge of tears "I dont know they just started laughing at Zuko." Aang said shrugging until Katara whispered in his ear and he started laughing too "Zuko what happened?" I asked "Let's just say Tophs the only blind one in the group" he said blushing "Oh your all so immature" I said throwing pillows at everyone. Later that night it was dinner time so we were all sat around the table Toph was next to Suki, Aang was next to Katara, and I was next to Zuko who was at the head of the table. "Suki can I talk to you in the hall?" Toph asked "Yea sure" they got up and walked away me and Zuko snickered and continued eating "Wait really!" We heard Toph yell excitedly "I guess Tophs plan worked out" I said to Zuko laughing. After a few minutes Suki and Toph walked in holding hands, they sat back down and Toph attempted to wink at me which didnt really work so I laughed a little and then continued eating. We were all in the living room Katara and Aang were doing Katara and Aang things, I was laying in Zuko's chest, and Toph and Suki were having a quiet conversation. I felt myself drift asleep but didnt care because I was in Zukos arms. "Baby" I heard a small whisper in my ear "Baby come on let's go in our room" Zuko said in stead of getting up I just nuzzled deeper into his chest. He sighed and picked me up as he took me to our room. He placed me gently on the bed and laid next to me, I snuggled even closer to him and fell asleep again.

I hope you liked this chapter I cant believe were almost at 500 views!! If you haven't yet you should read my new zukka story called "your beautiful" done forget to vote!!

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