Part 3

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Zukos POV-

"Wait" I said as we slowly approached the temple "Earlier you said something about your sister not being ok with me, do you think you can explain little more just so I dont make her upset?"

"Sure, Let's sit over here" Sokka said pointing to a log. "So, she doesnt like you for obvious reasons but she also projects what the fire nation did to everyone on to you." He stopped pretty suddenly, I knew whatever happened to him personally was bad and decided not to ask

"She shouldn't blame it on you but I guess it's easier" Sokka said staring at the ground. "Well enough of the sob stories let's go!" He soon added cheerfully.

I could tell Sokka wasn't an overly emotional person when it came to sadness but I could still tell he was hurt by whatever had happened. "Thank you Sokka. I'm sorry for whatever the fire nation has done to you all, and for what I've done." I said as we walked "Thank you. I know I should probably hate you but I can't help but notice how different you seem. You were so angry before."

Sokka was right I was angry before but now I was more at peace. I smiled at Sokka, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful he was. Sokka looked so unique he had bright blue eyes, tan skin, and warm brown hair. I had noticed multiple small scars on him, I assumed they were from battle. He was muscular but still slender, wearing a blue water tribe outfit.

I didnt realise I had been staring until I heard him say "Zuko, are you alright? You were staring at me." I felt a gentle blush form on my cheeks "Oh uh, sorry I was just looking at you, I've never really seen you much." Which wasn't a lie, it just wasn't the full truth.

Sokka's POV-

We were walking as I noticed a pair of amber eyes on me, I asked the boy "Zuko are you alright? You were starring at me" I noticed he blushed at the question. I found it sort of weird given I assume he was straight. I didn't think much of it and just guessed he was embarrassed. "Oh sorry, I just haven't ever really seen you up close" He turned away.

"Its cool, I've never really seen you either except for with that awful ponytail." I chuckled, so did Zuko. "I like your hair by the way, it suits you" Zukos hair was mid-length, jet black, and shaggy.

It was my turn to look at him. He had sharp features with golden eyes, one with a red scar that stretched across half if his face. He was muscular... like really muscular.

I found it almost intoxicating the way he carried himself, he looked so confident but sweet at the same time. I never thought I would think this way of Zuko.

For years he was the enemy and now I was in charge of helping him. As I was silently admiring I could feel my heart beating faster. He didn't notice and thanked me for my compliment.

We approached the temple but Zuko looked concerned, He's seen Katara in battle and knew you really didn't want to mess with her. He knew she hated him. I patted his shoulder then after the brief pause of our walking we resumed.

As we walked into the main area of the temple we saw Aang playing with some water.

Toph and Katara were likely still asleep, so he didnt have much to do. Aang saw us and put down his water to get up. "Hey Aang! I got him here all in one piece" I said while pointing to the clearly anxious Prince.

Zuko bowed to Aang and it was returned which shocked Zuko slightly but he quickly smiled "Hello Zuko, come with me. We have alot to talk about." Aang said Zuko waved to me and left. I hoped this would turn out well, I already felt myself becoming attached to Zuko.

I went to my bag and to eat some seal jerky, then go practice with my sword.

Zukos POV-

Aang pulled me to a room, it looked like it was for meditation.

"Thank you for allowing me to teach and join you, it means the world." I said as we sat across form one another. "I should be thanking you for teaching me, but we have important things to discuss." I nodded.

"First, this does not mean you are forgiven. It's not that easy, you've done alot of harm to us. Second, because of what you did, Katara is not happy about this"

"Sokka told me, I'm going to try to make it up to her and all of you." "Good it will take a lot for her to come around. Now, when the invasion happened they were expecting us, do you know why?" I went on to answer Aang's questions, and we set ground rules.

Buy the time we were done it was late afternoon I hadn't met Toph or seen Katara, so the nerves were real. I knew Toph was on my side though, because I had heard her yelling at them for telling me no, most of the nerves were about Katara, but I never saw her when we went to the main area.

Aang said "Sokka go show Zuko his room please." "Sure!" The older boy said eagerly. We got up and Sokka lead the way, I followed closely as he lead me to a small room with a bed and not much else in it.

"Here it is, be careful with the bed it's like older than Aang" Sokka said with a chuckle, I laughed as well before he left so I could get unpacked. I did, but before I could relax I saw Katara in my doorway. 'oh no' I thought as I noticed her.


I hope you liked the third chapter it will get a little less canon soon :)

Edit: Heyyy sry this edit took a while, ngl I forgot🤷‍♀️ buttt I'm gonna try to get through all the chapters eventually (new readers are probably so confused when one chapters good then the next sucks😂) love u all!

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