wgm: in-law introductions

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"squish," ryun was dressed and ready to go but jihoon was taking forever, "we need to go now, it takes an hour to get to my brother's house from here

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"squish," ryun was dressed and ready to go but jihoon was taking forever, "we need to go now, it takes an hour to get to my brother's house from here." she walked into their room to find jihoon standing infront of a mirror looking over himself.

"you look fine, we have to go." she met his eyes through the reflection while he sighed, focused on tucking the excess fabric of his shirt into his jeans properly, "stupid fucking shirt," he mumbled under his breath, not noticing as ryun walked up behind him.

he jumped when he suddenly felt hands on his waist, "you don't have to worry you know. my family's seen the show, they'll like you." she softly explained, helping retuck the back of his shirt in. his body laxed at the confirmation that it was only ryun and he smiled greatfully, "thank you."

she met his eyes through the mirror and smiled back, silently reassuring him. she knew he had no experience whatsoever in the department of girls, let alone having to meet a girl's family. he had been a mess of nerves since they'd found out the filming schedule for that week and needed to be constantly soothed from the near paranoia that ate at him.

"ready to go now?" he exhaled quickly looking over himself one last time before nodding at her question. they exited the house locking the door and got into her manager's van. making sure to buckle up and get comfortable for the long ride jihoon asked.

"what's your dad like?"

she mused before answering, "basically an old giant baby with a phd." he laughed at the description as she continued, "my brother's even worse. he's a twelve-year-old in a twenty-six-year-old's body. the real adult is his wife, kyung mi, and even she acts like a lovestruck teenager." they both shared a laugh at the end, which eased his mind for the time being, at least until they reached her brother's house. as soon as they parked in the driveway and got the car it was right back to being a nervous wreck.

"they'll love you squish, don't worry." she softly smiled, grabbing his hand which he'd unconsciously started to pick at. any other time he would have nagged at the use of the nickname 'squish', which she'd recently taken to calling him, but the genuine light in her eyes and reassuring grip she'd given his hand melted his heart. he exhaled, feeling all of the anxiety slowly dissipate and was about to respond, when the door suddenly opened.

"appa, baby!" she exclaimed, slipping her hand out of his as she went to hug the man who had opened the door and the baby girl in his arms. the feeling was nice while it lasted.

"appa this jihoon, my fiancé." ryun gestured once she pulled back. his blood ran cold as her father's eyes stoically ran over his body before meeting his eyes and nodding politely before allowing them to come in. upon entering her brother's house and taking off their shoes, jihoon was greeted with the sight of a the rest of her family, all sitting on the couch and staring at the pair as they entered the living room.

"auntie auntie!" a little boy with a hearing aid jumped out of his mother's arms and ran to ryun, who leaned down and opened her arms to embrace him. "munchkin! i've missed you!" she signed as she spoke, the little boy, hyun ki, giggled as ryun lifted him into the air, spinning him around a few times before settling him on her hip. thats when he noticed jihoon, who had a small smile on his from the cute interaction.

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