wgm: advice pt.3

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"hyung you really are an asshole

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"hyung you really are an asshole. noona may have not been in the right either but, damn, you really do suck." seungkwan shook his head, "and you made her cry? you'll be luck if her brother doesn't come kick your ass into next week." he snorted and was quickly scolded by jeonghan who swatted at the back of his head.

"stop that. i'm sure he feels bad enough. we're here to help not to judge." jeonghan said sternly before turning his attention back to jihoon who was sitting across from him and seungkwan at the table.

"are you okay? what's been going on?" he asked sympathetically, wanting a little more context before he started trying to give advice.

"you guys know we haven't been on the best of terms lately. i've been working from the dorms or at the company for the past two weeks and we've been avoiding each other as much as possible but it just all got out of hand." he explained.

"i ended up coming back super late again like always and i was super tired and just wanted to sleep. i already knew ryun-nie would be mad because i left without telling her but i thought i could get away with it for the night because she would be asleep" - seungkwan interrupted him, "but she wasn't," nodding at his response jihoon continued, - "but she wasn't and we started fighting."

"i didn't want to start a fight and i know she didn't either but she was just so angry she started going in on me and things went downhill from there." he finished with a sigh and looked toward the others for their response.

clearing his throat, jeonghan began, "okay, well first of all you shouldn't have just left without saying anything. it's stupid, dangerous, and if it were me i would have tore you a new one." he shook his head, "ryun-ssi had every right to be mad at you. i agree that a fight shouldn't have happened and maybe neither of you wanted one to happen but obviously it did, so what was said during the fight is all that really matters. so," he rose an eyebrow, "what did you say to her?"

"she told me i owed her an explanation and i told her that she wasn't my parent, manger, or seungcheol hyung. things didn't turn into a fight until i said i was too tired to listen to her nag and she started going off about how i've done nothing but pick fights and run away from my problems. she tired to diffuse the situation after yelling by saying she understood how i felt but i got pissed and started yelling back." thinking back on all that had been said and the way she looked at him with tears in her eyes, he couldn't help but cringe and feel a way of guilt go through him.

he swallowed hard before continuing, "i told her that if she didn't act crazy all the time them i wouldn't want to leave. that when she gets overwhelmed and angry it becomes everybody else's problem. i said she didn't understand anything and then turned it around on her and said she'd been the one to pick fights with me all week and then get angry when i leave because i don't want to drag things out. i told that she was selfish and if she did understand how i felt then she wouldn't have taken out all her stress on me."

"i remember she calling me a 'fucking hypocrite,' and then i told her that she would just end up guilt-tripping me into apologizing for the fight and that she just wanted somebody else to blame for her problems." he felt to ashamed to maintain eye contact while finishing the next part, "i was being really cold and sarcastic and she started crying. i told her she didn't have the right to cry because she got her feelings hurt in an argument she instigated. she ended up storming out of the house and i don't know where she went."

there was silence while seungkwan and jeonghan mused over what they'd heard, and jihoon sat patiently waiting for their responses.

"dude," seungkwan suddenly began, "you really called her crazy, made her cry, and now you don't know where she is? have you even told anybody that she left?" he asked wide-eyed.

"...no ..."

"dude, you're so fucking dead! don't you have a schedule tomorrow?"

"no." jihoon mumbled, "it's saturday, we have the weekend free."

"okay," jeonghan interjected, "did she at least take her phone with her? if she did then i doubt she's in danger, ryun-ah doesn't seem like the type to spontaneously disappear."

jihoon nodded, "she isn't."

"good, then wait for her to come back when she's ready. she needs time to cool down and hopefully she'll come back tonight." jeonghan advised, "if she isn't back by sunday then try calling her, but waiting for her to come back on her own terms will give you better leeway into apologizing."

"do really think i should be the one to apologize first?" jihoon asked hesitantly.

seungkwan scoffed, "uh duh, you-"

"-seungkwan shut up. don't listen to him." jeonghan scolded before turning his attention to jihoon, "i'm not saying you have to apologize first, that doesn't matter. what both of you need to do is communicate with each other and figure your shit out. both of you owe the other an apology, who goes first shouldn't matter."

rolling his eyes seungkwan agreed with his statement and added, "jeonghan hyung is right, personally i think you should apologize first for calling her crazy just because she was worried about you and for making her cry - i mean what kind of asshole makes a girl cry-" he received a glare from jeonghan for the comment, "-but that doesn't mean she doesn't also owe you an apology for instigating the fight and for the things she said." he finished with a small reassuring smile and received a gentle pat on the head from jeonghan who was proud he didn't make a stupid joke.

sighing heavily and deciding his hyung and dongsaeng were right jihoon also decided he didn't want to think about what had happened anymore, "thank you guys, this helped a lot. you guys want to order something to eat? i'll pay for it, it'll be my way of saying thanks~" he smiled happily when jeonghan and seungkwan immediately said yes and eagerly began listing places that all three of them would like.

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