Chapter 16: Now It's Better

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Noella's POV

I stood there shocked. Sharing a room with Spencer? You have got to be fucking kidding me! As if me crushing on him was not enough, we will be sharing rooms for 2 fucking days. Great. But could this be an opportunity to get to know how he feels about me? OH MY GOD! WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENS BETWEEN US?! Calm down bitch! Getting way ahead of yourself. For once, my subconscious was right. 

My phone rang, signalling me to get out of my thought world. I realised it was still sitting on the night table. I went in and checked it. It was Karla. 

"Hey Karla. How was the wedding?" I answered the call and took a seat at the edge of the bed. 

"Oh it was amazing. I just called to check up on you. Did you guys reach safely?" 

"Yeah, we did. But the traffic got the best of us." I chuckled. 

My attention got diverted as I heard the bathroom door getting unlocked. I froze on the spot. I did not have a single idea, that Spencer was in the bathroom all this time. 

"Noella? Are you still there?" My aunt's voice came out of the phone. 

"Y-yeah. How about I call after sometime, yeah? K. Bye." I hung up the phone, without letting her speak and was about to get out, but it was too late. 

I came in contact with Spencer who was standing there in just towel, which was wrapped around his waist. I followed my gaze along the droplets of water which trickled down from his hair and made its way through his chest. I forced my gaze up just to see him smirking at me as he shook off the excess water from his hair with his fingers. 

I immediately turned away and took interest outside the window. My cheeks were as hot as an ember. 

"No need to deny the fact that you were enjoying the view, Feisty." I could sense his smirk growing. Could I just jump off a cliff? "U-um I w-wasn't." Shit. Such a lame answer. Of course I was enjoying it. Hell, I was dying to see that sight once again. 

"I just came t-to take my phone. Sorry." Not able to stand there anymore out of embarrassment, I turned my heels and left the room, hastily. I could hear his laughter from inside the room. Ugh! Why? 

As I descended the stairs, I heard 3-4 people talking. I went into the living room and saw Eric, Juliette and two other unfamiliar faces on the opposite couch. 

"Noe! Come join us." Juliette called me out, as she noticed my presence. I smiled and took a place on the couch beside her. 

"Noe, this is Aiden and Maya. Guys, this is my friend, Noella." Juliette introduced us. 

"So you are the famous Noella. Jules in here won't stop talking about you. Glad to finally meet you." Maya grinned widely. "It's nice to meet you too." I grinned back. 

"Where's Spencer? Haven't seen him in a while." Aiden asked Eric. "I don't-"" You asked and here I am." Spencer said smugly, as he entered the room. He and Aiden hugged each other. 

"Still, cocky I see." Maya commented. "Something I was born with, you know." Spencer replied chuckling and they hugged too. He took a seat across me, beside Aiden. We made eye contact and he gave me a simple yet charming smile. 

I looked down at my feet to hide the blush. Fortunately, everyone was engaged in the conversation, so no one noticed anything. 

The whole day went by with all of us spending quality time which made me get to know Aiden and Maya, who were very friendly people.


It was 1 am when all of us decided to go to our rooms. I went upstairs and unlocked the room. I brushed my teeth and got changed into my PJ's. I was getting ready for bed, that's when it hit me that I may have to share the bed with Spencer, who was still downstairs. 

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