chapter twenty two

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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐖𝐎𖣔༄happiness doesn't always last for long______•_____

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happiness doesn't always last for long


It was an exclamation, which was muffled by the noise of the wind as it filtered through the thick vegetation. The hurried steps made the weeds brush against her figure, causing a melody of empty sounds and the scraping of the spikes against the cloth.

Bella waved both of her arms over her body in an exaggerated gesture. Anne looked up, sharpened her eyes to focus her vision on the distant figure and a smile soon fell on her lips when she noticed who it was.


"I forgot to give you something yesterday, at your birthday party," she said as she approached, panting in anticipation of the hectic race, "Your gift"

"Gift?" Anne piped out, a tone of disbelief languishes in her tone.

Bella held the object out to her. With a rosewood ribbon in one corner, the old eaten up book cover was decorated. The cover was impeccably decorated, although it seemed to be absorbed by the passage of time in a desire to become a relic. That factor, however, gave the gift all the value needed to make it so uniquely special. While it was a simple thing, value had always meant the most important thing to Anne as a gesture of affection. Bella was so aware of that fact that she didn't have to give so much thought to those details, although she was always tempted to prepare a good idea so that she didn't seem to not care too much about such an occasion.

"Bella," Anne said softly. The soft tip of her index finger slipped across the cover, feeling her body vibrate with the rough touch of the aged leather, "You didn't have to do that. Well, I know it's my birthday but that shouldn't mean that..."

"Could you shut up for one second in your life, Anne?" Bella suggested with a forced smile. She didn't want her to see that it was a relief that she didn't fill the air with words as she usually did, but it was almost inevitable that she wouldn't show the pleasure she got from seeing her quiet for a moment, "I've really wanted to do that for quite some time. It was my sister Caterina's copy. I don't think she'll be coming back for her books anymore, and I'm more than sure she'd love to know that you have it"

Anne seemed confused, "Oh, I... I can't accept anything from your sister."

Bella pushed the book towards her lightly and nodded complacently to make her understand with gestures that it was okay, "No, accept it. It will serve you better, knowing that dreams and letters are the most elemental part of your soul"

Bella was sugar and spices. Of everything, they had a little. That was something already known by many. She had been for endless years of their lives, from tender ages, a figure of radiance and glory that offered a sense of conservation and resilience by the good behavior of a quiet and ancient society that does not allow the amplitude of all unavoidable varieties of life. Having Anne in it had turned the tide. Now it was not only the simplicity of rectitude, but also the lightness that gives the magic of dreaming to one's soul.

TO THE WONDER - ANNE WITH AN E                    Where stories live. Discover now