chapter one

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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄𖣔༄welcome back, Bella____•____

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welcome back, Bella

Arabella would not deny one thing that day: she was hopelessly tormented by irrational nerves. It had been so long since she last been there that her memory could scarcely highlight certain details of Avonlea's oddly peculiar and melancholic landscape in spring. Her eyes were slowly accustomed to what it was and had always been her home, even though she had such a vague memory to remember it in great detail.

One year, one year away from the small, comfortable and picturesque Prince Edward's Island. One year had so easily erased the most blissful last 12 years, how could that be possible? Perhaps the insisent and fearsome memories of a gothic mansion in London had doomed her to think that there was no such happiness within her grasp in as beautiful place as her native island. It was a great misfortune, however, the more she entered the heart of the island, the more she remembered how happy and grateful the place made her feel.

The green grass of the plain meadows, the clear and crystaline water of the lake, the blossoms in their tender buds that from time to time sneaked the exterior of their carcasses, the birds flying from to branch among an armonic chord of soft songs, the smell of tender pine thorns and, above all, that familiar and extensive fields o corn that spread like blankets of greenish and yellowish tones among her view. Everything exclaimed in a soft and warm tone that it was home. She was finally home. However, the essence of belonging was not strong enough to stop the predominant fear of the people which inhabited it and what would they think of her as soon as they saw her cross their sights, intrigued and curious, always desirous of a new gossip or news to spread like seeds in the wind.

What happened to young Arabella and her distinguished sister Caterina? Why, just a year ago, should they leave the picturesque island in such a hurry? Why should they leave their home so suddenly, without saying a word about it? Why, now, should only one of them return? Why should that character be the youngest of them both, pretty little Arabella?

Bella knew the questions everyone would ask themselves and eagerly rush to inquire. However, she wished with her pounding heart that the events would not happen like that. She wanted to be a less prominent character in the picture so it could be so simple to go unnoticed however that wasn't her case. She had to accept it with the greatest pain of her soul.

She took as long as she could however not the least appropriate. Her mother acclaimed in constancy how low could result in a lady's profile, showing up later than what was already previously set. Punctuality had always been one of her greatest strengths and had instilled it in her and all of her sisters.

As she entered the densely populated landscape of vegetation, her hands gently slip into the undergrowth. Her fingertips caressed the soft petals of the spring shoots, the rough leaves of the bushes and the long golden spikes in the soft morning sun.
She tried to remember how pleasant that sublime touch was and how much she loved it, yet she had been so close to forgetting it. As she loved nature, a true mystery that she found herself eager to explore. It had always been like that, and she hoped it would always be like that. On an island as such, it was inevitable to have that distinguished taste for it.

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