chapter seventeen

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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍my tender and sweet Bella_______•_______

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my tender and sweet Bella

Arabella had been out for a few days in Charlottetown for preparations for the Annual Charity Ball organized by the Nightfalls. The first of all performed on the island, which attracted every curious eye on the possibility of being part of such a sublime event.

It was an event just like the party that Josephine Barry offered but you could say a little more refined and orderly, more private and aimed at another audience.

Sydney, Poppy, Miller, Edward Scott and Miss Blockehurst left on a Sunday morning and returned on a Wednesday afternoon. Finally, they were back in their quiet Avonlea meeting in the peace of a harmonic country community after that time in the chaotic and noisy city.

Bella returned to meet the surprise of the arrival of the new teacher who had come with the departure of Mr. Phillips whom it was not surprising, all wished him to live his life of torment far away from them.
The new teacher was a beautiful golden-haired woman, with an extremely broad intelligence and an admirable air of harmony and self-sufficiency. Bella had missed a couple of classes but joined at her pace with Gilbert's help and her patience for Bella's learning was one that Mr. Phillips had never shown. She was certainly admired by her ability and did not doubt that she would learn the foundations for her future, whatever she chose if she was in that capacity, of course.

"The last class wasn't a big deal, we just introduced ourselves. We used the initial two letters of our names to describe ourselves" Gilbert told her on the way home.

"Oh yeah? What did you use?"Asked Bella, raising a mocking eyebrow.

"Global, Bookish"'he laughed, Bella joined in his laughter. He did match that description, "Gilbert Blythe"

"Oh right, that's good. Affectionate, Humble" she piped out, "Arabella Hastings. How was it?"

"Very well" he congratulated her as he opened the door of his house for her to enter.

"Bash!" called Gilbert to the insides of his house, "Just wait to see what we got you for supper. Thought you could teach us to make Crab Callaloo. A little taste of home"

Gilbert and Bella waited for an answer or an early appearance but there was none. Just a sharp silence and the essence of an empty, lifeless house. Gilbert turned his tender hazel eyes to her, these were cold and alarming in a distressing dark brown hue.

Bella headed down the corridor leading the rooms in the event that the call was cleariest heard there but the silence remained as insistent as it previously did. Bella returned to the kitchen, with a face that could only be interpreted as sorrow towards Gilbert, while the young man's eyes scanned the letters embossed on a note with his gestures plunged into deeper concern. She had not seen his face in such anguish since the death of his father and Bella had the same fear of not being able to interpret the situation and again lose the sense of rationality to bring comfort to her friend. She approached slowly and rested one of her tender hands on Gilbert's shoulder, whose eyes lay lost at some uncertain point in the room.

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