chapter seven

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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𖣔༄a love within herself_____•_____

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a love within herself

"Another Bert story?" replied an outraged Ruby to Diana's previous assumption.

"You always write a version of the same thing" refuted Diana, who was not wrong.

"No, I don't" Ruby replied in a low tone, very sure of her answer although internally she knew that her acclaim was not true.

"About a dashing hero named Albert, Herbert, Rupert, Pilpert" said Diana in sequence, clearly tired of that common pattern of Ruby.

"Pilpert?" repeated Ruby, still more outraged than previously, "That's ridiculous! I will never write a story about a boy named Pilpert"

"It's not like we can't tell" Diana wanted to say but was immediately interrupted by the blonde plaintiff.

They both began to discuss the absurd topics that constantly engulfed their stories as Anne and Bella adressed each other mischievous glances shared with pleasant smiles at the spectacle. Bella secretly kept the letter with the intention of revealing it at the most opportune moment, for when it would be presented. Meanwhile she scribbled on her lap a peculiar portrait of Anne in the position she was from Bella's perspective. Her hair in its unique braids of fire on a dark and serene night, her freckles as constellations in a milky white cloak and her unique blue eyes of a calm sea. It was not perfect but she had to admit that it resembled her as much as possible.

"How else am I suppose to deal with the fact that he's been gone for eight months and three days and he may never come back?" the little blonde bursted out, who was an individual very exposed to emotion and that act of desperation was very common, however, Bella noticed that glow in the green of her eyes that aroused an interest in granting her the calm that the letter would bring.

"Bella, Anne get your noses out of your books and help me here" Diana asked in anguish for not being able to find the right words in that situation.

"Ruby, calm down. Look, I have something for you" Bella said calmly, with that comforting smile that was characteristic of only her.

Bella opened her basket, took the envelope, and held it out to her with a calm smile, "It's from Gilbert. My sister told me it was lost in the mail but we found it"

"From Gilbert?" they all asked, fixing their eyes to the peculiar envelope with eyes wide open in curiosity. Anne gave Bella a questioning look, and when she saw that she had no reaction, she looked back at her book and continued with her usual disinterest in the subject.

Ruby took the envelope without much thought, brusquely took the paper out of it and revealed the contents to her and Diana. Both scanned the letters at great speed, impressed by such a neatly and careful handwritten content and when they finished they looked back at Bella with a certain glow that suggested so much emotion, doubt and happiness.

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