chapter twenty seven

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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘 𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𖣔༄When a man kneels_______•________

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When a man kneels

Bella had secluded herself in a corner with her legs pressed to her chest and her jaw on top of her knees. She had a copy of the newspaper next to her, it had the ends folded over and a red pen had traced a crooked circle around the sentence: women, matter of their own.

"Everyone..." Miss Stacy called out but the murmur was so congested that she could not make herself heard, "Everyone! Uh..." she hovered over the table, frustrated at her lack of success in quieting the unstoppable bumbling of the discussion, "Anyone?"

Tired of her lack of success in that profoundly difficult task of breaking in, Miss Stacy set out to come up with a better plan. Taking a sheet of paper from her desk, she performed a few folds on it and ended up making a quick paper airplane that flew through their midst and finally quieted the noise.

"I believe we've yelled enough about the incident" she reported as she placed her hands on her hips in an authoritative manner, "How would you like to proceed? My first recommendation is to talk at a level that won't cause deafness and sooths Arabella's clear headache"

The truth was that Bella was not suffering from a simple and vain headache. To the naked eye, it seemed that the way she was so secluded, silent and dismayed was the consequence of a painful discomfort in her corporeal being but she would have to admit that it was little pain that she felt physically and little that contributed to her discomfort. For there had been so many words she had heard that they had imprinted themselves on the walls of her skull and left a sentimental scar. That, then, was the reason for her reaction.

Gilbert clenched his jaw in suspicion, but seemed to be filled with an unfamiliar courage to finally deign to speak, "We're arguing about the wrong thing. This isn't about what Anne wrote. This is about what's fair"

Bella snorted sonorously from her distance, there was a forced smile on her lips that she had forced to decorate her face so as not to give Gilbert the pleasure of seeing her so stricken.

"Sure, of course. Since you know so much about what's right and fair, Blythe," she said, cocking her head slightly, "Considering your magnificent display of desicions."

Miss Stacy pierced her with her gaze, "This is not a personal affair, Arabella."

Bella tilted her head in a questioning manner, "Oh yeah? Because it seemed so to me. This is too personal, in all matters. I love how you all turn a deaf ear to what truly matters."

"Bella is right" Anne quickly added, radiating her own fury, "My piece is literally and precisely called, What is Fair?"

TO THE WONDER - ANNE WITH AN E                    Where stories live. Discover now