chapter sixteen

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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐗𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𖣔༄second chances_____•_____

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second chances

Violet's POV

"Mother, couldn't you go to Carmondy another day? I don't think I'm ready to..."

Violet's breath was cut off by her mother who tightened the final bond of her corset superhumanly, leaving her figure perfectly defined while providing her with a difficult breath. She made her turn so she could admire her in detail and nodded with pride at her achievement. Finally, she proceeded to dress her.

"I'm just telling you, Mother, that I don't think I'm a progressive mother and worse I don't think I have a formed opinion on female teachers. As I will contribute in the forum without possessing the necessary knowledge to serve in presence. So I would conclude with you dispensing yourself for your well-intentioned absence and don't embarrass me in front of an audience that I will disturb with my lack of voice"

When Violet was finished, her mother had finished dressing her and placed a hat on her head, one in linen with roses and silk and satin daisies on the wing giving her that touch of maturity that needed to be highlighted. Some elusive brown curls slipped away from her intricate hairstyle below the hat. She looked like a young woman old enough instilled to give a valid opinion. Only Violet, knew in her uproar interiors, that she did not possess that knowledge that her mother claimed to interpret with her appearance.

She raised Violet's chin with one hand, "Now listen, speak loudly, don't be silent for long, and above all never forget your manners. You're the granddaughter of a duke, remember. They can't downgrade you, don't let them if they try to but don't overcome yourself. You're smart and cunning, Violet. I trust you."

"Well, I don't trust me, Mother" she snorted.

Her mother took her face in her hands and forced her to look at her, "Look at me, Violet. You're an intelligent and educated woman, you'll know how to act according to your principles. Don't doubt your skills for a moment because I'm aware that they are reinforced in them. Honey, it's just for today. I know you can. I know you'll soon be in the position that I'm with your own children, you have to learn to put your head cold above all. You're going to do fine, aren't you, darling?"

Violet nodded in determination with a glimpse of smile on her face as her mother embodied a tender, maternal kiss on her forehead.

The carriage left her at the Andrews' house in what appeared to be in time. Violet begged that her appearance has not been ruined along the way and with the deepest doubt rooted in her being, she knocked on the door twice. Soon, Mrs. Andrews opened the door for her, revealing the immaculate interior of the beautiful house.

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