chapter six

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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐗 𖣔༄benevolent acts_____•_____

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benevolent acts

Bella had to admit something else this new season of her life: she was at peace with herself and her surroundings. She had not become entrated by entanglements and even less in the agitations of maintaining a house as she had recently done. Gilbert's departure was a relief in a way, and at the same time, a huge grief and a constant desire to keep herself busy.

Lady Catelyn Hastings took that energy accumulated in Gilbert's time of absence and made her waste it in an activity that despite the fear Bella had in confessing it to her mother, she accepted with benevolence and surprisingly wanted her to make a foray into it when she saw that she really had a natural talent. That was quite a fortune when Lady Everleigh Nightfall offered Bella to join her only daughter in painting classes with the best teacher on the Island. Catelyn Hastings happily accepted and from that moment on, Bella Hastings joined young Ophelia Nightfall for an hour a day in the main hall in Autumnvile.

That calmed all discontent of her Mother since she was delighted to see that her daughter share time with high society girls like Ophelia and much more, that she was always in sight of the young members of the house in case they were interested in her.

Ophelia Nightfall, or as she preferred to be called, "Poppy," was a young girl of her age. Tall, very white tender skin, dark brown hair and iffy blue eyes. She was submissive and obedient, quiet when necessary, but when you were intimate with her she became extremely fascinating and loquacious, with lively, romantic and innocent ideas of the world. This was a very important factor for both of them to quickly establish an innocent and strong friendship based on promises of their future as artists and as children exploring a world they knew so superficially. Both being raised by families of the same class, living within the same boundaries and silenced from their own thoughts and opinions. Yet finding peace to speak without being deprived of the freedom of speech between the two of them. On the other hand, there was the factor that Poppy needed a friend, being the last in the family and the only daughter of a marriage that was slowly decaying and that had firmly proposed that three children were enough.

Poppy was secretly glad to have Bella, though she was always afraid to tell her since she had always been reseverved with her feelings. She was grateful now that she would be attending school with her more than anything. Bella was a pleasant company and counting on her was what she considered a small privilege.

After the daily class was over, she bothered to comment on her distress in a subtle way.

"Is your school nice? Do you think your friends will like me? Is the teacher a kind person?"

Bella understood her fear and responded calmly and sweetly, "School is nice, I don't complain. I'm sure the girls will like you very much and well, Mr. Phillips is not a very nice person but I think his teachings reach us after all."

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