Chapter 1: Into The Rabbit Hole

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The alarm clock beeped continuously and as always, it was a nuisance for our protagonist; Luca Lounsbery, a 17-year old British-Asian male living in Ontario, Canada with his parents. He used to live in East Asia, but his father found a job oppurtunity which needed them to move over to the west side of the world, here in the North American continent.

He was a fine young man. Although he was rather short, he surely had that Asian charm to him; fair skin, scruffy raven-black hair, amber-coloured eyes, and a nice body build.

7:00 AM; July 10, 2018 - Saturday.

Waking up early was always something Luca became used to, but getting a rude awakening from his alarm clock wasn't. He groaned as he kept flopping his arm around, trying to reach for his loud alarm clock.

After a few tries, he was victorious.

Luca slowly got up and gingerly rubbed his eyes. He yawned, slowly waking up to the sight of the sun shining and birds chirping.

As he got a grip of what was happening, he smiled as he was looking out of the window. He saw the usual birds that would be perched right outside his window. He scootched over near the window that was right next to his bed and opened up the window. "Morning guys," He greeted the little birds.

The birds flapped around as they chirped happily upon noticing his usual appearance in the morning.

Some of the birds chirped louder to catch his attention, in which they were successful of doing so. They made him take notice of the lack of bird seeds that were in the little bowl Luca left out on the little ledge of the window for them.

"Oh, you're out of food?" Luca asked. He let out another yawn. "Don't worry, I'll get you guys some more," He assured the hungry birds. He threw off the blanket that were layed drape on him and ambled over to some wooden drawers near his desk.

Opening the top one, there was a half-empty pack of bird seeds. He took it out, closed the drawer, jumped back onto the bed and showed the birds the pack. The birds chirped louder in rejoice of seeing their favourite human bringing them food once more. Luca chuckled at the sight as he pulled over the empty little bowl. He poured in the remaining contents of what was left in the little pack and served the now full bowl to the happy birds. 

He smiled warmly, entertained by the birds peeking around, eating the bird seeds he has just placed for them.

Afterwards, he finally closed the window again and let the birds be.

Luca went to perform his daily routine every morning; take a shower, put on some nice clothes, and start the day with whatever your mom cooks for breakfast.

It is now 7:53 AM, and Luca's ready to start the day. He makes his way downstairs and spots his mother just finished making breakfast.

"Morning dear!" His mother greets. Luca smiles. "Morning mum," He greets back. "What's for breakfast?"

"Well, your dad was craving some nostalgia, so I tried making some homemade ramen!" She answered. 

Luca smiled. "Nice!"

His mother giggles at Luca's excited reaction as she hands him a bowl full of those good stuff. The ramen bowl looked so authentic, which Luca loved a lot. Despite it being years that he has been here in Canada, it's never a bad thing to live through your old Asian life again - even if it means just getting a taste of some homemade ramen.

Hamilton: 𝔗𝔴𝔦𝔰𝔱 ℑ𝔫 ℭ𝔩𝔬𝔠𝔨𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔨 𝔉𝔞𝔱𝔢 [ OC  II Book 1] *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now