Chapter 7: Secrets To Keep

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Everyone in the tent was all in shock. Luca was ready to run away and panic. He trusted Lafayette to keep the backpack and make sure that it is kept untouched.

"...Y-You said you have my word." Luca uttered as he glared down at Lafayette. The Frenchman put down a bag of tomato-flavoured chips that he held. "Luca, I can explain. I---"

Alexander cut him off first. "---Hold on. How about you explain to us first? Why do you have a pocket knife that turns into other things?" He questions as he pulls out the multi-tool Luca had in his backpack. John didn't know who to side with. He glanced at Luca then at Alexander. He gulped and decided to side with Alexander. He showed Luca's phone that was in his hand. "Yeah, and what's this freaky picture box thing?!"

Meanwhile, Hercules was just adoring Luca's red hoodie. "And why didn't you tell me you have this beautiful piece of clothing?" He goes. 
There were a lot of thoughts going through Luca's head right now. He felt like crying. He was panicking in his head. 

He had quite a stressful day today. He was being bullied by everyone around, his general scared the crap out of him, his clothes were immediately ruined, and he almost lost Baguette. And now he has to deal with this. 

This was one of his biggest fears - accidentally rewriting history. The reason why he became a messenger in the first place was because of his fear of accidentally screwing up the timeline and have things different in the future. He's watched a lot of time travel movies. And if he's learned anything from all those movies, it is to not screw up the timeline and expose anything that's not supposed to be in that certain time period.

And that's what he just did. Expose futuristic things to people from the past. He started regretting to trust Lafayette like this. He should've known that the guys' curiosity would get the best of them. Another thing Luca loathes are people who breaks his trust for them. Sure, in other situations, this wouldn't really be much of an issue. But Luca has some major contraband in there.

Momentarily, the young lad froze in fear. And there, he had one thought - run away. He's too stressed to deal with this right now. He already had a bad day and now this is going to add onto his bad mood.

Amidst the rising tension, Luca scurried out of the tent and ran away. Everyone was shocked when he did so. Even Baguette was shocked to see Luca suddenly run out like that.

Baguette thought of following Luca and see where he goes. And being the smart horse that he is, he freed himself and galloped away. 

Meanwhile, back with the rest of the guys, they put down what was in their hands and glanced at each other. "I think you really pressured him with your question, Alexander." John spoke up. 
"Oh, like you're the one to talk! You were asking menacing questions to him too!" Alexander defended himself, glaring at John.

"You're the one who questioned him first!!" John retorted, glaring back as he relinquished the phone and pushed Alexander.

"Well, you're the one who questioned him more angrily!!" Alexander yelled as he kept on a heated glare to John and pushed him back like the latter did to him a few seconds ago. 

"For the record, you both looked pretty intimidating to Luca when you were both questioning him." Hercules added in as he neatly folded the little hoodie. What a bad move from Mr. Hot Pants because it caused for him to get involved into the heated argument - that shortly after lead into a physical fight.

Lafayette stepped in. "STOP FIGHTING!!" He shouted, making the other three, indeed, stop. John was holding Alexander by the collar, about to smack him in the face. While as Hercules was holding the both of them. "We cane try and kill each other later." Said Lafayette. "But first of all, we need to find Luca. It's night time and he's all alone right now."

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