Chapter 16: If I Could Tell Him/Her (2/2)

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It seems that Luca isn't the only one who scored a beautiful woman. About five weeks later, Alexander is getting married. To whom, you may ask?

Well, it's already obvious now. You wouldn't be reaching this crappy fanfiction if you didn't even know about Hamilton. So, obviously, we're talking about our queen, Eliza. Yes, we only stan Eliza in this house. 

Anyway, Alexander and Eliza are getting married and of course, Alexander's homies are invited - all of them, even Aaron. Plus Layla, for Luca's sake. The wedding went nicely and it was all very happy, and there surely was no one who's being salty during this wedding. Not at all.

"...At least my dear Eliza's his wife." Angelica sighs. Damn it, Angelica. This is why we can't have nice things anymore. While everyone was having a good time, Angelica was not. She loved Alexander, but she loves her sister more, so she gave up her chances of having Alexander to let Eliza have her chance of Alexander. You know the drill.

Angelia decided to get some fresh air, so she walked out into the balcony and gazed at the beautiful stars shining above, adorning the night sky. Little did she know, there was someone already there. "The stars look quite beautiful, no?" The person spoke with a thick British accent. Angelica was jolted upon finding out that there was someone there with her, plus it's a Brit. She slowly turned her gaze over to where the voice came from. And there she sees Luca, vibing in the shadows.

"Who are you?" Angelica asks.

"Luca Lounsbery, a friend of Alexander's." Luca answered as he bowed. "And you must be the maid of honour, Miss Angelica Schuyler."

"Indeed I am. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Lounsbery." Angelica responds as she curtsies. "Anyway, what're you doing out here?"

Luca awkwardly shoved his hands in the pocket of his pants. "...I don't really like large crowds especially at fancy occasions. I-I just kinda wanted some time alone for a bit." He explains as he inches closer, coming out of the dark. "How about you?"

"Same as you, I suppose." Angelica sighs. "Just wanted some time away from the crowd."

Luca flashed a small smile. "Nice." He then noticed Angelica's sad expression. "You okay?"

"...Of course I am." Angelica lied. "Well, you don't seem like it." Luca answers. "Is something bothering you?"

Angelica bit her lip, letting out another sigh. Luca seemed to be a nice person to vent to, so she did. "This may seem quite bizarrre, but I actually kind of oppose to the wedding." She started. "Before my sister could meet Alexander, I loved him first. Everything felt like a dream - an amazing one. But it was one I had to wake up from when I saw her face..." 

She rested her arms on the stone railings as she continued explaining, "She was helpless. She was in love... I suppose more in love than I was? I don't even know anymore... And as you may know, Alexander married Eliza instead. I gave up my chances with him for her. As much as I'm happy for her, to see someone you love with someone else is still torture, you know?---" And then she suddenly cut herself off with a grumble. "---Who am I kidding? This probably means nothing to you..."

"No, no. It's okay." Luca counters. "I understand what you mean." He then follows what Angelica did earlier and rested his arms on the railings too. "You do?" Angelica goes.

"Yeah." Luca smiles. "A friend of mine actually had the same experiences. His name is Angelo and back when he was a kid, he had this friend named Andy. The two grew up together, and during those times, Angelo fell in love with her. He was surprised himself that he fell in love with her actually."

"What do you mean?" Angelica asks.

"You see, Angelo isn't really the type to fall in love. He's always been picky with girls and if he loves you, then you surely would be really special to him." Luca explains. "When Angelo and Andy grew up, Angelo fell more and more in love with her, to the point he's grown dependent on her for his happiness... He was always needing for Andy to be there by his side. And the time came when Angelo finally decided to confess to her."

"...Was he successful?" Angelica asks where as she was answered with a sad shake of Luca's head. "It turns out that Andy didn't love Angelo back. She just thought of Angelo as a friend, nothing more and nothing less."

"...That must be devastating." Angelica frowns. Luca answers, "What's more devastating is that Andy began forgetting about Angelo. He was quite depressed in the past - because of the failed confession and everyone mysteriously hating on him - and he often had mental breakdowns. And during those times, Andy was the only one who could've helped him. But Andy was already off, hanging out with other people. 

"...Well maybe Andy wasn't aware about it?"

Luca shakes his head. "Andy was fully aware of everything that happened to Angelo... Yet she refused to help and made matters worse." He lets out a sigh as he wraps up his story. "Even so, Angelo never stopped loving her. Sure it was one-sided, but... He never stopped caring for her. Even if he was heartbroken, he still made sure to support her and to protect her."

Luca lightly placed his hand on Angelica's. "And well... My point is that you should be the same. If you truly love them both, then show it. Support them in every way you can. Arguably, Angelo had a worse case but that didn't stop him. So why should you?"

Angelica was rather stupefied at the moment. She stared into his warm amber eyes as a small smile formed on her face. "You're right. Thank you, Mr. Lounsbery."

Amidst of this was John eavesdropping on them. The man was curious what Luca was doing with Angelica, so he decided to walk over and ended up listening to them. He hung his head in sorrow as he listened to Luca's advice all throughout. 

"...Support them in every way you can, huh?" He muttered under his breath.

[I guess this may be the last chapter you'll hear from me for a while. I don't have any more notebooks to write this sh*t in anymore, plus I'm running out of ideas... I hope you guys understand. 

By the way, fun fact - the story about Angelo is actually based on real events, cos its my failed love story. Andy is a real person, but the name... Not really. Andy is just a nickname I decided to use for her to kind of hide her identity, I suppose. Honestly, I think it'd be worse if Luca was detailed about it. Even if Andy doesn't love me back, I hated everyone she was with and always wanted them to stay away from her. I fought my parents a lot of times because of her. A lot of people, including my parents, said my relationship with her is toxic and that it was having a very bad effect on me. And as someone who was madly in love with her, I hated all of them for saying that and fought everyone who dared to say that I should stay away from Andy. Back then, I called her about 100+ times. No joke. The call log registered 100+ missed calls. When she doesn't answer her phone, it kills me inside and I start crying and get really pissed off... I used to call her "my aspirin", and every day, I always texted her, saying "Hey, let's call. I need my drugs"

It went as far as me wanting to stalk her... If my parents weren't over-protective, I've probably already been stalking her... I learned her schedule and implanted in my brain her daily activities and such--- Yeah... 

Anyway, thanks for reading]

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