Chapter 14: What Did I miss?

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[Hiya! Im back from my break, and now I'm too lazy again, so have these low-budget brackets :'D

Anyway.. The chapter title and what will happen here is pretty ironic tbh... With me leaving the book for a bit irl, and then Luca coming back to America and all--- Yeah.. I'll just let you read the chapter.. I hope you enjoy!

There's also a lot of references in this! So make sure to keep an eye out for anything you think may seem like a reference lol]

A few days have passed and they're finally back. Hercules grinned to see their homeland in the distance. He dashed into one of the small rooms of the ship where Eret and Luca were sleeping in. They haven't done anything but take naps for the most part of the entire trip.

As the author would say with his slang street language, sana ol.

Hercules woke the two up and announced to them what he saw. Eret yawned, "Damn it. I was having a good dream..."

Luca yawned a little as he rubbed his eyes. "Oh, yeah? What were you dreaming about?"

Eret chuckled. "The sister of Dream himself came onto the server and then bullied Tommy. It was pretty hilarious."

"I can tell," Luca laughs.

The two walked outside and gazed over at the pristine ocean before them. Luca sighs, "If only it were still like this in the future." He subconciously mumbled, which Hercules heard. "What do you mean?" He goes. "That's right, Hercules doesn't know either. The only exceptions here are Eret and Peter --- they aren't supposed to be here anyway, the author just added them for references.

Luca gulped, "I--- um... I-It's nothing... N-Nevermind what I said."

"Okay...?" Hercules shrugs. 

. . .

Finally, they've boarded off the ship. Peter and Eret went off with their separate ways, so now there's only Hercules and Luca. "It feels great to be back. I'd rather be here than being King George's puppy." Luca huffed whereas Hercules laughed.

They were going to make their way to General Washington's tent, but while doing so, the rest of the Hamilsquad saw them.

John gasps upon seeing those familiar faces. "Guys, guys! Look! It's Herc and Luca!" He exclaimed.

Alexander and Lafayette turned to the direction where John was looking at as well and gasped upon spotting the two.

"Luca!" Alexander exclaimed as the three began running up to them. When Luca saw the three approaching, he smiled brightly and waved. "Hey guys! Long time no s---", but before he could finish, he was tackled to the ground as he was smothered with love and affection.

And it's now time for Luca's oxygen levels to continuously deplete in massive amounts.

"...Oh noes, here we go again..." Luca thought to himself as his thin and scrawny body was slowly being crushed.

Hercules, of course, joined in for the hug as well but let go after after a few seconds, seeing as Luca is dying in the inside. "Okay guys, I think Luca already knows how much we've missed him." He laughed.

"Yeah, from how much I was squished, I think I've received the message..." Luca uttered.

And so, cue all the overwhelming questions about Luca's life in the palace and all that jazz. But before Luca was to answer them, the lad's attention was shifted over to someone he's been looking for.

Hamilton: 𝔗𝔴𝔦𝔰𝔱 ℑ𝔫 ℭ𝔩𝔬𝔠𝔨𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔨 𝔉𝔞𝔱𝔢 [ OC  II Book 1] *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now