Chapter 9: Meet Me Inside

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Damn, the author's been putting chapters out like hotcakes. A bit of leaked information the author too been running out of ideas. He still has a whole plan set out that's been jotted down in a separate notebook with sticky notes and lists, but he just suddenly changed plans and ripped off some of the sticky notes. And currently, he is mentally screaming because he has to write down another plan and other cursed things.

So, just a short disclaimer from me - the narrator - if the chapters seem all weird then that's the author having a horrible time; seriously, earlier this morning, he just got b***h-slapped by his mom twice and it almost seemed like she was going to assault him. Plus he's been stressed from updating this book he has fully invested in. But hey, as long as he sees people liking this story, then he's still trying to keep his sanity intact.

Besides, he can't abandon this story now, can he? He already planned so much plus some juicy stuff is happening.

Anyway, without any further stupid announcements, let's just get going with what's happening in the tent with General Washington and Alexander.

Alexander tried to explain the best he can to the general about what him and the others saw. The two were more shocked about Luca having these 'tomato-flavoured chips'. Like woah, is he trying to kill himself?!

'That madlad!" General Washington gasps. "I know, right?!" Alexander follows. "That's not all, sir!"

"What do you mean?" General Washington asks. While as Alexander was having a hard time trying to form his sentences because no words could describe his confusion and intrigue about Luca's cellphone.

"Argh! I don't know how to describe it!" Alexander groans. "It's like.... Like... Um..."

"Like...??" General Washington utters, impatiently.

"It's like this small thin box thing that glows!" Alexander began trying to make weird hand motions to try and show General Washington the size and all that.
"It glows?!" General Washington gasps. "Yeah, it glows!!" Alexander responds.

Meanwhile, the author was dying in the inside while writing this because this all just sounds so stupid yet hilarious. He laughed and slammed his head on his desk. "What the hell am I writing?" He asks himself.

I don't know, Mr. Author. You tell me. I'm just here to narrate this cursed creation you made. 

The author laughed at my statement, and facepalmed while laughing even more at what he's been doing with his life. I guess this is why you don't let the author be alone in a room with a pen and some paper. The weirdest ideas will come to his mind and he'll start cackling like a mad man, but also question his life choices.

And as of now, the author is crying of laughter. As he continued writing, his handwriting became more cursive. Not even he could understand his cursive handwriting.

Oh boy, why do I even work for this kid?

Anyway, enough of that. The author needs to stop laughing and get some help.

Meanwhile, with General Washington and Alexander - the general gasped upon hearing about the 'small thin box that is glowing' - in other words, the phone emitting light from the screen.

"Witchcraft!" General Washington gasps. "I know!" Alexander responds. General Washington inhales sharply to go and compose himself after all this shock. "How long as he had this cursed backpack and all that was in it?" He asks.

Alexander shrugs. "I don't know. Maybe ever since he got to Yorktown? Herc said that he alrady had the backpack when they first met."

General Washington nodded. "Well, we cannot let this slide. We need to confront him and talk to him about this."

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