Chapter 11: Rule Britannia!

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Why hello there! It is I, the man behind the slaughter... W-Wait... Is that meme dead already?? Pierdolic.. Anyway, it's me the author! For once, I decided to speak for myself and not have the narrator speak for me like I always do. He's a bit salty 'cos I forgot to give him last month's pay check... whoops--- Anyway, I'll just get straight to the point - King George III will appear in this chapter, as you may already tell from the rather patriotic chapter title. The reason I'm saying this is 'cos I headcanon for him to be an albino. I know the real King George only wears a powdered wig - but fandom-wise, I really like him lmao. Plus albinos are cute, in my opinion... So.. Yeah.. Just a little heads up for later on. Anyway, I'm gonna stop rambling on now and just get on with the chapter. I hope you enjoy! :D

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It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing... Flowers are blooming... On days like these, kids like you --- damn it, author! To hell with you and your overused Undertale references!

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lmao, i told you he's salty

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Ahem, I heard that...! And I am so not! Aaron's the bottle of salt here, not me. Everyone loves me. I break the fourth wall and roast the characters because I can.

Anyway, where was I? Oh right. Bright and sunny day. Everything was going normally as usual - Charles being that one guy everybody hates but because of his "WEEEEEEE" line, a lot of people love him now. And then there's General Washington being everybody's dad, Hercules adoring all the horses, Lafayette being America's favourite fighting french fry, John being a gay turtle, Aaron being so salty to the point that it can raise your cholesterol to extreme levels, Alexander being the agressive little s**t everyone knows and loves and of course, our boi Luca who's always getting into random problems - being the shock absorber that he is.

Speaking of being a shock absorber, remember near the end of the previous chapter?

That's right! Today's the day! Why do I seem excited about this? I actually have no idea. I guess the author has influenced with me with his sadistic ways. 

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I did not!!

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Shut up. Everyone knows you're sadistic.

Wow. The author went quiet... Hahah, nice.

Anyway, like I was saying, today Luca is getting kidnapped in broad daylight by his own kind. Luca went on with his day as how he would normally do his job. Sometimes, he gets to pass by Layla and sometimes have some little romantic moments with her.  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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