Chapter 7

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Guysssss! I have 2.35K reads on my first book, Silverstone's Destiny, and I NEED MORE VEIWS FOR DIS BOOK TOO!

Silverstone's POV

I scream out for help, but it's useless. I'm trapped, and with a power so strong that I can't even control.

I look over to Goldheart, and he stares back at me, but instead of his warm smile, it's a cold, dark stare.

He's made of stone.

Did Flamestar knew my power, when I got my warrior name?


I shudder, and fluff up my fur. It's freezing down here. I need to find a way out, and figure out how to control this power.

"Are you alright?"

I whip my head around, half terrified, half glad.

"Who's there? Who are you?" I shout

"My name is Bronzetail, and I'm here to help you."

I look over to him. He has a smooth, glossy tabby pelt with a bronze- colored tail and gleaming yellow eyes.
I stare at him in confusion. He looked a lot like Goldheart.

"Are you-"

"Goldheart's brother? Yes, I am. I'm from Starclan, just like he is. I was sent to help you."

I nod. But there is something about that cat that I can't seem to realize.

"I see you've turned my brother into stone. Focus at him, look into his eyes. You'll know what to do." He says

I go close to Goldheart. I put my tail tip on his shoulder, but I quickly jerk it back.

It was ice cold.

"Goldheart I'm sorry.."

I take all my focus towards him. I close my eyes.

Focus Silverstone, focus. Then I open my eyes back up.

"Goldheart! You're...

Still made of stone.."

"Bronzetail! It didn't work!" I wail

"Try again. Focus Silverstone, focus"

I close my eyes again

Everything vanished. The cold rocky walls, the freezing rain water, everything.

It was only Goldheart and I. I felt like nothing in the world was more important than us.

I open my eyes, everything reappears.

"Goldheart! You're okay!"

"Silverstone..? What happened.."

"I turned you into stone remember? We're trapped down here. But without your brother, Bronzetail, you would still be stone!" I say

Goldheart looks at me with a puzzled look on his face.

"Brother..? I don't have a-"

"Goldheart! It's so nice to see you! Duskflower talks a lot about you."
Bronzetail says.

Goldheart bristles his fur, growling.

"Duskflower means nothing to me! Who are you?" He hisses

"Goldheart, who is Duskflower?" I ask

"My mother." He growls softly.

"You mean our mother. I'm your brother, Goldheart" Bronzetail replies calmly.

Goldheart growls.

Why does he hate his mother so much?

"Silverstone, close your eyes. When you open, you'll be out of the tunnel." Goldheart tells me.

"Aren't you coming?" I ask

"I would, but I don't trust this cat. He isn't my brother, Silverstone!" He whispers

"If it wasn't for him, you'll still be made of stone! He also looks a lot like you." I say, flicking my tail.

"But he's not my brother!"

"Are you sure? What do you have against your family?"

"I DONT HAVE A FAMILY!! Don't you understand? My mother, Duskflower abandoned me.

"Goldheart.. I-" I begin

"I'm alone! The only person in the world who took me in was Frostshine. Silverstone, go live your life! Starclan will be there forever! Your life won't! Just GO! And never come back! He hisses into my ear

I blink back hurt from my eyes.

"If that's how you feel about me, fine."

I close my eyes. Once I open them, I'm out of the tunnels.

But Goldheart isn't.

He doesn't care about me. I actually liked him. But now I don't. All he talks about is Frostshine. I guess he likes her..

I turn around and head back to my clan.

Goldheart means nothing to me anymore.

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