Chapter 1

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Tin's P.O.V.

"Good morning sir, your breakfast is ready" the maid said as she opened the curtains letting the bright sunlight hit mysleepy eyes. I got dressed quite quickly and went to the living room and started eating. 

"Sir, there is a guest for you" the maid said as she came back to me

"Who?" I asked annoyed

"Your beloved brother, good morning Tin, I hope you missed me" the guest said, my eyes widened, I tunrned to him and saw him

"why did you come here Tul..." I asked

"Oh come on ai Tin, aren't you happy that your brother came here to visit you?" he said with a mocking tone. I sighed and told him to go away but he sat down right in front of me

"I thought I said you to leave, not to join me" I added smirking

"Well, I really appreciate the deep love you feel when you see me and I would like to ask you to control yourself, now... let's be serious, our father decided that he will add an new branch to the company, he's going to buy and sell buildings in foreign countries too..." 

"And why should I care?" I asked 

"Because I told him that I will not accept this work and that you are more qualified than me for this job since he wants to start this new business in England first... and since you studied here I thought that you could be way more suitable for this. You know their culture and manners better than anyone in the family... so I managed to convince him" Tul replied

I started chuckling so much that I almost choked with my tea.

"And why should I believe you? You think that I'm so dumb that I will accept this? Why didn't you take charge of it? Is it a trap so that you can show him how perfect you are and how useless I am?!" I exclaimed

Tul chuckled for a moment and smirked as he looked back at me

"Tin, you think that I hate you and I admit that I never did my best to change your mind, but do you really believe that i would waste such a great amount of money just to prove that you can't be part of the company? I'm not that mean, and just so you know, dad said that since you've never worked with us you surely need some help and this is the reason why I'm here, I will work beside you to help you" he said before standing up

"Where are you going?" I asked

"To my room of course" 

"Your... room?" 

"Yes, dad bought this house for both of us but don't worry, I will use just the guest room and the bathroom, it will be like you don't even know I'm here" he replied

"Booking a room in a hotel was too obvious?" I asked

"Tin, you probably didn't understand, I have to stay here for a few months at least, I will just leave in the weekend to visit Phu so I cannot spend a fortune just because you don't want me under your roof, clear? I will give you the papers after you come back from classes, see you later" he said before closing the door gently. 

Inevitable Scandal (TulHin, a chance to love/LBC2) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now