Chapter 6

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Hin's P.O.V.

"Shit... it is getting pretty cold..." I whispered as I felt the cold wind hitting my face, I got into the taxi and turned the heater on. 

I took the porridge I prepared before going to the airport and started eating. I was so tired and bored that I almost fell asleep while looking at Tul's photo. 

I missed him so much... I knew that he moved on and I surely had to do the same thing but I couldn't stop thinking about how happy I was with him... but he could get hurt... and I couldn't let that happen

Someone suddenly knocked on the window so I immediately opened the door

Can's P.O.V.

I looked at the ticket my mom gave me before leaving, the adress of the hotel was on it, I took the map I bought in a shop of the airport and luckly it wasn't that distant... but it started raining so I looked for a taxi and as I found one near the entrance I ran to it and knocked on the car window. 

"how may I help you?" the driver asked

"I have to reach this place, can you help me please?" I asked smiling

"Sure, get on" he replied

"Wait... is that congee?" I asked as I saw a bowl next to the driver's seat

"Oh yes, I'm really sorry sir... I didn't mean..." 

"Don't worry... it is just that I'm really hungry..." I replied whining

"Well... that wouldn't be exactly professional but you can have it if you want" he added smiling

"Are you sure P? How much does it c..." 

"You can have it for free don't worry, I don't know if you will like it... I don't use the normal recipe..." he said but I ignored it and grabbed the bowl, it was delicious

"Damn p, it is incredible! thank you! Thank you very much! Can I have the recipe?" 

"Sure, I will write it down when we arrive at the hotel" 

"here is the hotel" the driver said, I paid him and turned  to leave after he gave me the little sheet with the recipe when I noticed a photo near the steering wheel

"Wait... that is Tin's brother..." I whispered

"Sir?" he asked, I shook my head and told him that it was nothing. 

I went to the reception and...

"What do you mean that you don't have any room for me?" I asked disappointed

"I'm really sorry sir, it was a terrible mistake, we can look for another hotel if you want but I don't think that you will find something..." the receptionist replied

"I... I will find a way... goodbye" I said and looked at my phone... there was just one person who could help me...

"Ai Tin... I need your help... hey! Don't be so rude! Listen here, I booked a room in a hotel but they don't have it... the receptionist said that I won't find anything so stop using that tone with me... do you have a spare room for me? The sofa is ok too... please..." 

Tin's P.O.V.

"Fine... where are you? Ok... ok I know that place... wait inside the hall or you will catch a cold, see you later..." I replied and hung up. You didn't change at all...

Inevitable Scandal (TulHin, a chance to love/LBC2) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now