Chapter 28

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Lay's P.O.V.

As I reached the airport I took my phone to call Can since I was sure that he forgot to come and pick me up, I was surprised when I saw that he was already waiting for me

"P'Can, would you like to help me and take my suitcase? It is a little heavy and..." I started, he picked it and smiled

"Sure sis, come on, let's go, P'Hin is already cooking and you have to taste his food, it's delicious" he said

"What? Who's this person? And why are you so happy? Just because this Hin can cook very well? I'm even surprised that you took my lugguage without whining like you used to" I commented

"You will soon understand, Ai Tin! Let's go" 

"Oh, hi ai Lay, how are you?" Tin asked as he got off of his car

"P'Tin? Wow... umm... hi... ummm... what's going on here?" I asked confused

Can looked at Tin and smiled

"He's my boyfriend, I'm living with him at the moment, the hotel was full so I had to find another place" Can added like it was nothing, I looked at them and started laughing

"What? Do you think that I'm really going to believe to this bullshit? Oh come on P'Can, you could think about something more realistic" I said

"Huh? What are you talking about sis? We are a couple..." Can replied 

"Yeah yeah funny, and how is it possible that Tin is dating your ugly ass, come on... you aren't Pete, let's go, I'm too tired for your... jokes..." I said, I hesitated before adding the last word as I saw Can's eyes widening and watering, he looked so sad and I couldn't believe that what I said could actually hurt him that much

"P'Can I..." I said but he immediately got into the car and remained silent until we reached Tin's house

"Ai Tin, please tell Hin that I won't eat with you... I'm not hungry" he said

"P'Can please let me apologize properly" I added, he looked at me and tried his best to look as angry as possible

"Don't try to pretend that you are sorry, you are right actually, why should the handsome Tin, the angel that basically came to Earth from Heaven date someone like me? I'm not rich and I'm not handsome, he surely belongs to someone way better than me, like Pete..." 

"P'Can... please..." 

"Shut up, do you think that life is sweet like those novels you like so much? Well guess what? There are struggles too and just because I'm not perfect doesn't mean that I won't find someone to love me, is it clear?" Can added

"I understand..." I replied looking at the ground, he sighed and added

"This is your room... it used to be mine before your arrival but I will sleep with Tin, is bed is big enough for both of us and strong enough to handle our favourite activities... bye sis... AI TIN, FORGET WHAT I TOLD YOU, I'M HUNGRY!" Can shouted smiling

Yeah, I'm still impressed by his ability to move on...

Inevitable Scandal (TulHin, a chance to love/LBC2) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now