Chapter 9

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Tul's P.O.V.

No... please stop... stop! 

"P! What are you doing? You became annoying even when you just sleep..." Tin said as he entered my room

"What do you want..." I asked

"I want to rest, but it looks like your cries are so damn loud that even the thick walls of this house cannot stop them." Tin replied with a mocking tone

"Shut up... you know nothing... go away..." I replied stuttering and thinking about the nightmare I just had

"No, you are going to leave, you, not me, this is my house or did you forget it so fast? Don't you remember that our beloved grandmother left every property to me?" Tin replied smirking

"Fine! Fine! Do you want me to leave? I will leave now! Are you happy now?" I shouted as I felt that my eyes were watering, this was even worse than the nightmare... this was real

"Yes, quite happy, and just so you know, I decided that you didn't need those old photos anymore, so I just sent them to your lovely wife who wanted to use it for a file she called umm... how was it... oh right, divorce, imagine the head lines on the newspapers, the first son of the Medthanan family had to divorce because of an homosexual scandal" Tin added

I pinned him to the wall

"Shut up! You are nothing compared to him... why did you do that? Do I deserve it? Does Phu or Hin deserve something like this you arrogant spoiled kid!?" I shouted before running to the exit

At first I just felt the cold rain hitting my face... then something way harder and more painful hit me and made me fall onto the ground, I slowly opened my eyes and saw the letters on the top of the car that just hit me, it was a taxi and the driver immediately came out to rescue me

"Khun Tul! Oh my God... khun Tul! What have you done! My God... no... no please no..." he begged

"H... hin? Wh... hin..." 

"Tul..." he repeated several times crying while someone else was calling an ambulance

"Hin... hin..."

Tin's P.O.V.

"hin... hin..." Tul repeated while he was asleep, I was just about to open the door when Can called me

"Ai Tin, breakfast is ready, do you want to call your brother too?" Can asked

"wait a minute ok?" I answered and slowly opened the door, I saw him grabbing his blankets like he was in terrible pain, his eyes closed, his tears that made the pillow completely wet, he then slowly released the blankets and the expression on his face was much more relaxed, he started to open his eyes so I just closed the door and went back to the kitchen

"He is still sleeping..." 

"Well... I will save some congee for him then, let's eat now, a really kind guy told me how to cook it with a special recipe, I'm sure that you will love it" Can stated

"thanks... wow, this is really nice actually" then the door bell rang

"Wait, I will check it, continue eating ai Tin" Can said and went to open the door

"Who's there ai Can?" 

Inevitable Scandal (TulHin, a chance to love/LBC2) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now