Chapter 14

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Can's P.O.V.

I didn't know what I could do to help Tin, I wasn't even sure if Tin's side was the right one or not anymore... how could I judge them? I admit that my family isn't rich and we have arguments... but this... this was way too much, this was just cruel... and I couldn't even imagine what could lead a woman to despise her own grandchildren like that...

"Come on... I want to hear what you are going to reply to this... I did whatever I could to be accepted by my own family... and what did I get? She just kept beating me up until I bled... always..." Tul added

"Shut up... you are just a liar... I don't want to listen to you anymore..." Tin replied trying to look away

"Why don't you want to listen to me? If these are just lies... they shouldn't affect you at all... or maybe... you think that you will eventually believe that I'm not a liar... not always at least?" Tul said smirking at first, however that smirk slowly turned in a more genuine smile

"shut up..." Tin repeated

"Tsk... why am I even wasting my time with you? You are just like anyone else... nobody cares about me after all... that is pretty clear... he... he was the only one who... who..." Tul started stuttering

" our father loves you, you are his favourite son... we all know it and you don't have to repeat it" Tin replied

"What? You truly believe that I'm talking about our father? The coward who left me with that... person... even though he knew that she hated me that much... I don't even want to call him dad anymore... he probably likes me... but what did he do to help me? Nothing... Hin instead... he..." Tin's older brother started stuttering again

"then what did our father tell you..." Tin asked

"that an old drug scandal is better than this one... that I cannot represent the family anymore... he still have to decide if I can work or not... but as our grandmother stated... you are the heir... and.... and I am wothless... basically nothing new..." Tul responded

I looked at Tin but he was already looking at me, he probably wanted some support... but how could I help him when he didn't even listen to me when I told him that he was doing something wrong?

"Tul..." Tin started

"I'm going to take a shower..." he replied without looking at his younger brother and went to the bathroom

I sat on the couch and Tin did the same, we remained silent for a few minutes and we didn't even look at each other, suddenly some weird noises came out of the bathroom, like someone punching the wall, I looked at Tin, he just stood up and said:

"I forgot that I have to call someone to fix the shower... the floor of the bathroomm always gets wet..." 

I stood up and went to my room, I was in the corridor when some of the water from the bathroom started flowing under the door... 

"it's just water" Tin said before hiding in his room... but that water slowly turned red... and it was way easier to understand what was the cause of those noises

Inevitable Scandal (TulHin, a chance to love/LBC2) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now