Chapter 26

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Tul's P.O.V.

I looked at Tin and Can, what could I say? They just exposed us without a proper introduction... or maybe they could at least ask me and Hin if we were ready to tell this to Phu, but no, they are always like that...

"Gonhin, why don't you go out with Phu for an ice cream?" I asked smiling

"dad, you aren't going to fight with uncle Tin when I'm not here right?" Phu asked

"Why did you ask? Do you think that your dad is that terrible? I will just have a normal conversation with him about you being the most perfect son I could wish for." I replied, Can chucked and Tin smacked the back of his head.

Phu looked at me and then he sighed, he pulled Hin's sleeve and looked up at him

"P'Hin, I suppose that we should go before they kill each other, I really want a chocolate ice cream, let's go p" Phu said and Hin went out with him

I turned to Tin and his boyfriend, Can's eyes widened in fear and Tin glared at me

"let me be frank, I'm happy that you are a couple and that you love each other but I would be really grateful if next time you can let us choose on our own, Hin isn't even sure about what we are going to do and I don't want to stress him out..." I said

"P'Tul, I know that I'm still a stranger in your family but I want to tell you that you are understimating your son, he's already showing you his support and I'm sure that he will be happy to live in a family that truly loves him, even if he has two dads instead of a mother and a father" Can replied

"Ai Can, you shouldn't..." Tin said but I interrupted him before he could continue

"No Tin, I ... I think that your boyfriend is actually right... and I believe that if I'm still trying to hide my relationship with Hin isn't because I want to protect Phu... but because I'm afraid that I might mess things up again..." I replied looking away

Tin's P.O.V.

Tul stood up and left the dining room, I was still with Can, the silence was awkward but suddenly Can looked at me and with a bright smile he said:

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that my sister is coming here to visit me" 

"Wh... what? Here? You mean in London or you mean in this house?" I asked confused

"Here, in this house, she won a bonus ticket and I told her that she could come here and stay with us" Can replied

"Well... where is she going to sleep? There are only two guest's rooms and they are both occupied" I added

"Oh you don't have to worry..." he started

"Oh right, you are going to sleep with your sister" I said 

"What? Are you crazy? I coulnd't! Not at all! She will sleep in my room and I will sleep in yours with you" Can said calmly... why was I the only one who wasn't calm at all?

Inevitable Scandal (TulHin, a chance to love/LBC2) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now