Chapter 30

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One month later

Tul's P.O.V.

"I think that you should say something ai Tul... you know that your dad put a lot of effort to prepare our engagement party, are you sure that you want to disappoint him?" Hin whispered, I nodded and stood up, everyone became silent and looked at me, I looked at Tin and as he smiled at me I started my speech

"I'm really happy to see you all here... I admit that I didn't want to invite almost anyone at first... I wanted to keep this a secret... but now I understand that it is much better when you share an important event in your life with your friends and those who truly love you... and this is the reason why I would like to congratulate with my brother Tin for his fiance!" I said smiling and we started applauding them

Can's P.O.V.

"Tin, what the hell does this mean? I thought that we agreed that we would have announced it after their wedding!" I whispered yelled

"Calm down, I am as confused as you, maybe he was too nervous and he didn't want all the attention upon him" Tin tried to justify 

"What the... ok... ok it's fine, we had to do it sooner or later, am I right?" I replied

"look, Hin is whispering something to your brother, what do you think he's saying?" I asked, Tin didn't have time to reply because Tul grabbed Hin's hand and walked to our table

"The waltz is about to begin, come on stand up, you have to dance with us" Hin said smiling

"Well..." Tin hesitated for a moment so I grabbed his arm and forced him to stand up

"Well yes, come on, do you prefer to do it with me without anyone else? It would be way more embarassing" I stated, Tin nodded and we reached the centre of the hall. 

Hin's P.O.V.

While we were dancing I couldn't help but look at the guests that were chatting at their tables, most of them just smiled and continued their conversation but Tul's dad just kept looking at us, he looked a little serious 

As the music stopped Tul's father stood up and walked to me, I felt my heart skipping a beat, he smiled and hugged me

"Gonhin... thank you... thank you very much for what you did..." he said

"You don't have to thank me sir, not at all" I replied, he looked at me with a disappointed face and responded:

"First, trust me I had to, you managed to get two brothers back together, second, I'm not sir, I'm your dad, so if you don't want to disappoint me then call me father or dad, nothing else, clear?" he then smiled and patted my shoulder

"Yes dad" I said smiling back

The guests started clapping and repeating "kiss, kiss, kiss" 

I looked at Tul who was nearer to Tin and Can than me, Can shrugged and kiss Tin

"They weren't talking about us... and your sister just fainted" Tin murmured

"I just wanted to... and you should already be used to her" Can said with his usual smile

"Don't you think that it is our turn now Gonhin?" Tul said, I was about to respond when Phu entered the hall running, he ran to me and gave me a letter

"What is it?" Tul asked

"It is from your ex... Wadee" I answered and gave him the letter, he opened it and immediately kissed me

"What was that for?" I asked confused

"Look... one word: Congratulations

The End

Thank you very much for your support and I hope that you enjoyed the ending too. <3 <3 <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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Inevitable Scandal (TulHin, a chance to love/LBC2) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now