Chapter 3

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Can's P.O.V.

"What are you doing here?!" I shouted as my sister entered my room all of a sudden, she still doesn't know how to knock probably

"mum is angry" 

"What did I do this time! I took a shower at least three times this week!" I shouted

"First, stop shouting, I'm just in front of you and I'm not deaf in case you didn't notice, second you should take another shower, you stink, or you think that you smell like roses after two hours of football training? And last but not least, mum is angry because of your results in English class." she said

"What should I do with it then? I can't do it alone, when Pete was still with Ae he used to help me but now that he went to Germany I don't even know how to open a book!" 

"You don't know because you are lazy... and since books don't work with you... mum decided to try another method" 

"I don't want to have another tutor... I felt stupid when I was with Pete... just imagine what could happen with a paid tutor..." I added looking away, she sighed and patted my hand

"Listen, mum doesn't think that you are stupid, I admit that when I call you dumb it is just because you make me really angry but you are surely not stupid... well... at least I think so..." 


"Let me finish, she decided to send you to England so that you can practice a little, one month, you have school break so you won't skip classes" Lemon said

"Are you sure?" I asked 

"Yes, so, do you accept?" she asked and I nodded excited, she then stood up to leave and went to the door, she stopped all of a sudden and closed the door, then she just ran to me and grabbed my hands

"Now, let's talk about something serious" 

"Isn't my education serious enough?" I asked looking at her confused and scared

"This is more important, what happened between you and Tin" 


"You know what I mean, did you do it?" 

"We aren't even friend! I don't care about him, he's just an arrogant brat and I'm really lucky that he went to London" I replied

"Tell me the truth, a friend of mine told me that he asked you to be his boyfriend and you rejected him, is it true?" she asked again

"oooohy! Are you here to help me or am I just the weird bottom of one of your stories!?" 

"So... you are a bottom? I knew it!" 

"Sis! Shut up! Ok... he confessed... but I told him that I wasn't sure and..." she interrupted me immediately

"Wait, when you say you weren't sure... it means that he has a chance?" 


"oh my God! My brother is going to marry a rich handsome guy! Well... couldn't he get someone better?" 


Pete's P.O.V.

My phone started ringing, I took it and it was Tin

"Ai Tin? Hello" 

"Hello ai Pete... what would you do if you find out someone is harming himself?" he asked

"Well... I would probably try to talk to him and help him..." I replied

"And what if this person... is someone that manipulated you for a long time?" 

"Ai Tin... what happened?" 

Inevitable Scandal (TulHin, a chance to love/LBC2) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now