Chapter 17

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Hin's P.O.V.

"Wait, did you hear that khun? I think that Khun Tin is back" I said and stood up immediately, I could easily hear Tul groaning disappoined but I ignored it as I usually did when I had to get up after having... well... you know

"khun Tin, welcome back" I said bowing

"Is Tul awake? I have to talk to him" Tin replied

"Khun Tin, he's awake, but I would like to ask you to be... gentle... he wouldn't be able to..." I started but he interrupted me

"To what? To fight back? We aren't going to fight, just stating facts like we used to, or do I have to throw another glass so that you can understand your place better Hin?" Tin replied with a mocking tone, Can pulled his sleeve but he pretended he didn't notice it

"Oh, my coward brother is back, are you going to take advantage of this situation?" Tul asked as he got out of his room, I ran to him trying to push him back inside but it wasn't possible, I didn't want to push to hard since it could hurt him

"Just as you used the love I felt for you against me, you used me... everything I know I learnt from the best liar in this family" Tin replied

"Khun please..." I tried to stop them

"Do you want to fight? Well, let's do it properly... you said that Hin should know his place right? He's just a servant... that's right... and I still prefer him... he's better than anyone else in this stupid and corrupted family!" Tul shouted

"If you hate this family so much then why don't you just leave it?" Tin asked with a really arrogant tone, Can glared at him and I looked at Tul 

"For the same reason you didn't leave it... I have a really nice job... why should I leave it?" 

"It won't last forever, all the buildings of the society belongs to me, I think that I should thank our grandmother to give me the opportunity to kick you out of my life soon or late" Tin said coming closer to Tul, I stepped between them fearing that they could fight in another way

"How dare you talk like that to your brother!" 

"Come on, I'm not that cruel.. I will give you some money so that you can enjoy your time with you slut servant" Tin said, my eyes widened, Tul looked furious but he managed to calm down rapidly after a deep breath

"Tin... you threw a glass last time and he got hurt... I just shouted at you that time because you were too young, but be careful... you can insult me... and I'm sure that you won't offend Phu since it looks like you love him as much as I do... but say something like that about Hin once again... and you won't forget it easily..." Tul replied with a devilish smile, Can came closer to Tin 

"Ai Tin... please... you are better than this... you don't have to do it... this isn't right..." Can said

"Hin, come with me, I don't want to listen to him anymore" Tul said and grabbed my hand

Inevitable Scandal (TulHin, a chance to love/LBC2) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now