Chapter 10

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Can's P.O.V.

Tin ran to the door and his eyes widened as he saw the person who was waiting at the entrance

"Ai Pete? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Germany with your father!" Tin exclaimed

"It isn't exactly polite to let a guest wait outside... aren't you going to invite me to enter?" Pete asked smiling

Pete entered with a luggage, he sat on the sofa in the living room and Tin sat beside him

"So, are you going to tell me why you are here or not?" Tin asked impatient

"Yes... I was sick of my father and his behaviour, I could stand him when he just considered me his weak and useless son... but I couldn't let him hurt my mother, she's always been kind and this is probably her most terrible mistake... it is time to fight back..." Pete said with a pretty confident tone

"You have my support... if there is something that I can do..." 

"You know that I wouldn't ask for your help if it wasn't urgent... I managed to take the money from my personal bank account... but I need you to hire me... even for something small... just to live normally... I came here to tell you this.. I will leave tomorrow in the morning..." 

"that isn't a problem, but you have to sleep with Can tonight because I don't have any other spare rooms" 

"Thank you ai Tin, I will go for a few hours because I have to meet a lawyer for my mother's divorce file, I have a few documents that will surely change the result of the process... and just so you know, I didn't came here without something to offer in return" Pete said leaning closer to Tin, I looked at both of them and as Tin stared at me I understood that it was time to leave

"I have to poop" I said, it always works, and left them alone

Tin's P.O.V.

Pete took a few documents from my bag and put them in front of me

"Your brother's wife wants to divorce as well, and she is going to use whatever she has to ruin his reputation... and to make his wallet empty, I know that you hate him... I know what happened here years ago... this is your chance to fight him and to show him the place he belongs to.. well, the choice is up to you ai Tin, I have to go now, see you later" Pete said standing up and leaving the flat. 

I read the file a few times until I heard the door of Tul's room opening, I rapidly hid the documents under the pillow

"I have to meet someone... I will eat something when I will be back... rice... or something like that..." Tul said without looking at someone in particular, I ignore him and thought about what Pete said... he was right... it was time to fight back

Can's P.O.V.

I left the bathroom and noticed that Tin was looking for something in Tul's bedroom, he checked everything, closet... night table... desk... he stopped after he took a little leather book from the desk

"Ai Tin... what are you going to do with that?" I asked as I saw him taking pictures of each page

Inevitable Scandal (TulHin, a chance to love/LBC2) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now