Chapter 5

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Tul's P.O.V. 

"I said shut up!" I shouted as each word that left Tin's lips were stabbing my ears, he was about to add something but I went back to my room just in time, I locked the door and sat down leaning my back on the door. I sighed in relief when I heard the noise of the entrance door shutting. After a few minutes I opened the door and left the room

"Are you alright sir?" the maid asked worried

"Yes, don't worry, it is normal... we just fight sometimes but we eventually make up, why don't you take a day off? It is such a great sunny day, you shouldn't waste it in this boring house, am I right?" I asked smiling

"Well... you are right sir, but..." 

"No, listen to me, now you leave this house and go shopping with a friend or do whatever you want, I won't surely be able to destroy this house in just a day so you can stay calm when you are out, come on" I replied

"Thank you very much sir" she said before she left the house. 

I was finally alone, I first went to the living room and took the crystal bottle and filled a glass with some brandy. I looked outside and sipped it calmly... I then looked around and saw the old piano in the centre of the living room, I left the glass on the top of the instrument and...

"Let's see if I can still play decently..." I said as I started looking through the music sheets and ended up picking a book with several of Chopin's Etudes. 

I started playing the butterfly etude... it was just getting faster and faster until I started missing a note... then another one... and it kept getting worse like the pain in my hands... all those times when I just kept punching the wall before Hin could come to stop me weren't helpful

After the last wromg chord I just stopped and threw the glass away

Tin's P.O.V.

After the fight with Tul I wented to the airport, it was the first place I went to when I discovered that Tul organised the party just to arrest me... when

"Flight from Bangkok, arrival, gate 7" 

"Tsk... if I run to the plane now can I go back to Thailand? What a silly idea" I thought out loud...

Can's P.O.V.

I didn't want to come here and this stupid city was already showing its hate for me, do you want to know how? I couldn't find my suitcase... it was cold... people just kept running up and down the airport... 

"Ai Tin?!" I whispered, my eyes widened and I felt like I couldn't breathe anymore

"Ai Can?" he said confused, when he finally realized that it was me he just stood up and started walking away so I followed him. 

"Hey! Wait!" I shouted, he stopped and turned to me

"What do you want..." he said

"Don't think that I'm here to see you, but since you are here... why don't you help me?" 

Tin's P.O.V.


"You said you didn't come here for me, why should you even need my help then?" 

Inevitable Scandal (TulHin, a chance to love/LBC2) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now