Chapter 12

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Can's P.O.V.

I was in my room when someone knocked on the door

"Who's there?" I asked annoyed

"I'm Tin's annoying brother" Tul replied, I stood up and opened the door

"What may I do for you?' I asked sighing, he was standing in front of me, the bowl in his hands was empty and his eyes were a little red like someone who cried for a few minutes

"Did you cook this?' he asked smiling

"Y.. yes why? Don't you like it? You could at least say thanks for..."

"It is delicious... may I ask you what is the recipe? It is quite familiar..." Tul replied

'Oh... wait, I left the paper with the recipe in the kitchen, just wait here" I said as I turned to leave

"Actually ai Can... I still feel quite weak... so... i would like ot go to my bedroom now... can I ask you a favor?"


'Since you are going to the kitchn would you bring a glass of water?" he asked, I nodded and left.

The door of his room was slightly opened, I knocked on the door and he told me to enter

"here's your glass and here's the recipe, I leave these on the night table... the guy who wrote it was really nice... he took one of his business cards to write it dow for me" I said, he thanked me and I  left

Tul's P.O.V.

I took the glass and started sipping while I started reading the recipe trying to find the ingredient that made that congee taste so familiar

I noticed that there was something strange in that recipe but I still couldn't figure what was so different from any other kind...

I was so frustrated that I started playing with the card... then I decided to read what was written on the other side

"Taxi driver... London... ummm... airport... city of London... gonhin.... wait...Gon ...hin.."

Tin's P.O.V.

I was in the living room, I had just finished texting with Pete who said that he managed to find an hotel room so that he didnn't have to bother Can in his sleep when I heard the noise of a glass crashing onto the floor

I stood up and went to the corridor

"What was that? Are you ok ai Tin?" Can asked as he opened the door of his room

"What, do you care about me?"

"Fuck you, what was that?" Can asked, if it wasn't Can it could just be Tul

Then a phone rang in Tul's bedroom , I was standing near the doo ro fhis bedroom so I could clearly hear his side of the conversation

"Dad?... I... I know that it can be a problem... well... I have a plan, she doesn't have anything against us so she will be the only part that wil get dameged because of this divorce... wait what?... What do you mean that she received... no... no please dad... I... that... who could..."

then he hung up

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