Chapter 4

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Pete's P.O.V.

"Ai Tin? what happened? I want to help you but how am I supposed to do so if you don't even tell me what's going on?" I asked

"Listen... it was a mistake, I shouldn't have called you ai Pete, you already have a lot of problems and you surely don't need to listen to my pathetic issues..." 

"Ai Tin, you are right... I have problems, but that doesn't mean I won't help you! I'm your friend, right? Now tell me... wait... Ai Tin? are you still there? You little... he hung up and leaves me talking alone like a crazy idiot... I'm disappointed..." 

I remained in my room thinking about what Tin was talking about, he said something about a person he hates and the only person that fits this description is his older brother Tul... but self harming? Seriously? What could shock him so much to mess him up like that? 

Tin's P.O.V.

I stared at the ceiling for almost an hour hoping that an idea could come but nothing, I fell asleep and the following day the maid knocked on my door and told me that Tul wanted to talk to me

"You probably didn't notice that this is my house and that you are a guest, you can't call me like a servant" I said annoyed as I reached the living room

"Oh, my bad ai Tin, I thought you were interested in the new business your father wants to start with your help but if you keep acting like a spoiled kid I suppose that I will be forced to call him and to tell him that you were a total failure... again" he replied smirking

I remained silent and clenched my fist

"But you are right ai Tin,  I am really a rude guest, this is your house... like every other buildings our gr... grandmother owned... you got them all, so I will be more careful next time" he added but this time the smirk faded rapidly

"why did you call me then?" 

"Our first client wants to meet you, this is his file, read it before the meeting." he said as he finished his tea and stood up

"aren't you going to meet him as well?" 

"No, and just so you know, I won't hold your hand for the whole time, you are a man now right?" he said as he turned to leave

"what is the problem this time? Are you too busy? I thought that dad sent you here to stay beside me and help me, or you came because you wanted to meet someone else?" I said with a mocking tone

"What are you talking about?" he said glaring at me

"Doctor Andrews..." I said smirking, his eyes widened, it was the first time I saw fear in his eyes

"You... you entered my room... didn't you?" he asked

"You said it yourself p, this is my house, I can do whatever I want, what happened? The beloved son is slowly becoming crazy?" 

"Stop it!" he shouted

"I... I won't..." how could I stutter in such a perfect situation? He was about to get what he deserved... but I just couldn't continue anymore, how could I pity him!?

Inevitable Scandal (TulHin, a chance to love/LBC2) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now