Chapter 8

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Can's P.O.V.

Tin closed the door of his brother's bedroom behind him and sighed

"Ai Tin?"

"What?" he asked looking away

"I thought you hated him... but I knew you were a sweet heart deep inside"

'Fuck you"

"Really... really deep..."

"What do you want? Huh? I didn't want an half dead man in the middle of my living room, that's it" Tin replied and walked away, I followed him

"Ai Tin... umm... I thought that your brother was still in Thailand, why is he here?"

"Business... he has money to buy an hotel but he had to come here and bother me..."

"I understand... well, you know where to find me if you need me, goodnight"

"he's a bastard... but I'm not like him... right?" Tin said without looking at me, I sighed

"Ai Tin, if you want to continue a conversation you should just talk... ok I stop jocking... I remember that night... I remember when you called me crying and you told me about that party... I might be dumb and clueless... but I care about you" I replied and patted his shoulder, however he just went away

"Goodnight..." I repeated and went to my room

Techno's P.O.V.

the following day

The team was practicing, Can wasn't there since he was in England and seriously.. it wasn't a tragic lost... especially because there was nobody screaming or draining my wallet

"Come on guys! Hurry up! Are you still sleeping? I shouted, Champ patted my shoulder so I turned to him


"Ae's phone, he got a message"

"Why is it so important? He will read it during our next break" I replied

"It is from Pete"

"Huh!? shit... ai Ae! Come here!"

"What's wrong p? I know that I'm running pretty slow but..."

"Pete texted you"


"Guys, do I have to remind you that our lunguage has a quite a few expressions to show surprise? Why do you all reply with Huh?" Job said laughing

"What are you doing here? Did I call you? Run!"

In the meanwhile Ae took his phone and looked for Pete's message, he started reading it and after a few seconds he fell onto the grass

"Ai Ae!"

Then I got a message on my phone, I picked it and noticed that it was from Technic

"Are you ok p? kengkla told me that you shouted and someone fainted"

"I'm ok... Ae fainted and we're trying to wake him up... wait... Kengkla told you this? How is it possible?' I texted, then I looked around

Kengkla's P.O.V.

I was looking at the training field but I couldn't see P'No anymore... what if... oh shit! He saw me!

I started running before he could reach me.

Champ's P.O.V.

After a fewminutes Ae woke up, he asked us to leave him alone but as we went to the locker room we heard him crying, he probably cried wht whole time

"What do you think that Pete told him" i asked techno

"I don't know... but Ae trusts us... he will tell us if he wants to."

Author's note
Hi, first, thank you very much for your support, I was really excited to write a Tulhin fanfiction and don't worry, I know that techno's or Ae's parts might look like they aren't related to the main story but everything will eventually fit together.

I wanted to ask you what you think about the story so far and even though it isn't related to this book (not yet) what do you think about Keen? Is there anyone who knows something about him from the novel? I don't know why but in my opinion he has that Lhong's vibe when he looks at Tum. Thank you❤

Inevitable Scandal (TulHin, a chance to love/LBC2) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now