Chapter 7

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Tin's P.O.V

I was still near the airport and since the adress Can gave me wasn't that far I just got into my car and started driving, a few minutes later I reached the hotel and I took him to my house, we both remained silent until we reached the entrance door

"Ai Tin... thank you..." he said sighing

"You shouldn't say it if you don't really believe it" I replied looking away

"I'm just trying to be polite..."

"Well, you can do better..." I replied before opening the door. The music from the living room was clearly audible from the entrance

"What is this?" Can asked as he heard the sound of the piano too

"I... follow me ai Can, I will show you your room" I replied, we walked to the second guest room and as I opened the door he immediately ran inside and looked at the room excited

"Wow! It is incredible! Thank you ai Tin!" he said but I ignored him and walked to the living room.

Chopin... Ocean Etude... aren't you tired to play this all the time P'Tul?

No, I will practice until it becomes perfect... all these arpeggios... I will work until I won't feel like an ocean wave is about to hit me...

He played it so many times that I could easily remember every chord... note after note... but it sounded so different this time, it was like it was getting slower and weaker... 

Can's P.O.V.

I slowly followed Tin, I was really curious to know what was going on, what could surprise or shock him so much to make his smirk fade in an instant, Tin suddenly stopped at the end of the corridor, I couldn't see his face but I was quite sure that he was staring at the scene in front of him

"Is that... your brother?" I asked and he nodded after a few seconds like he needed much more time to elaborate an answer

Since it was useless to look at Tin who was now completely silent I looked at his brother, his face was really close to the keyboard, he was pale and his fingers were moving trembling while touching the keys

I shook Tin's arm and he looked at me

"What's going on ai Tin?" 

"I... I don't know... It isn't important..." he said as he turned to leave

I looked at Tul one last time and eventually noticed the blood on the marble floor, my eyes widened as I noticed that it was dripping from his forearms

He managed to play the last chord but he was so weak that it was almost impossible to hear it, he fell on the keyboard, Tin rapidly turned to him and ran to his brother

"Ai Can, help me... we have to take him to his room..." Tin said

"But... the b... b... blood?" I asked stuttering

"he's ok... he didn't cut his wrists... we just have to get some disinfectant to clean the wounds but he will be fine... this bastard won't die that easily... and if he wanted to do so... he wouldn't let anyone save him... so, are you going to help me or not!?" 

Inevitable Scandal (TulHin, a chance to love/LBC2) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now