Chapter 27

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Hin's P.O.V.

When we came back Can and Tin were in the living room while Tul was in his bedroom, probably working on some projects. I was in the kitchen washing dishes while Phu was drawing something

"Done!" he shouted and ran through the corridor, I couldn't help but wonder what he drew

Phu went to the living room and sat down between Can and Tin, I was so focused on them that I noticed Tul only when he closed the door of the kitchen

"Oh, Khun Tul, I didn't notice you, what did nong Phu draw?" I asked smiling, he didn't reply and just came closer. 

"Tul? Are you alright? Tul?" he remained silent and hugged me, I was a little confused, he started crying and at first I thought that he was sad but then he gave me the drawing

"Tul... are these..." I started smiling like an idiot and Tul finally smiled at me

"You don't have to ask silly, there are the names... do you see? P'Hin... Tul... and nong Phu... and then there is Tin in the corner eating Can's face... he probably saw those two kissing" Tul replied chuckling

"Yeah right... so, it looks like he accepted me in his family without being dramatic like his dad" I added 

"Well... that means that you are going to ummm... be my... ummm..." 

"Husband? Well, I'm sorry to remind you that I cannot be your husband, not legally at least, but don't worry, I will stay by your side forever" I replied, he looked at me and shook his head

"Not legally... not in Thailand... but here... it is different here... and I want a proper wedding, with flowers... a good restaurant..." 

"And what about invitations?" I asked chuckling

"Do we have to invite people? Well... we will invite your mother... my arrogant brother and his boyfriend..." Tul replied

"Oh, can I invite my friends from the swimming club?" I asked 

"Hin, I thought you were a wise person, you are basically asking your soon to be husband to invite a whole team of guys who saw you wet and naked, how am I supposed to answer to this question?" 

"That means no right?" 

"I'm so lucky to have such an intelligent fiance... by the way... it's ok... you can invite them... just tell them to have some manners, I don't want Phu to hear strange stuff... since we will have to answer to all his questions after the ceremony..." Tul responded

"Ok, no team then, what about you? Don't you want to invite anyone else?" 

"For example? My dad and his wife? I don't know if..." Tul hesitated

"You don't have to ... but maybe it will be the right moment to fix what was left behind for years" I added 

"let me think about it ok? ... you always have to be the sweet one right?" Tul asked smiling

"Of course, but don't pretend you don't know what a sweetheart you are, I know you better than anyone else" 

Can's P.O.V.

"Ai Tin, do you think that we should tell them that we can hear them..." I said but Tin immediately put his hand on my mouth and told me to shut up... 

Inevitable Scandal (TulHin, a chance to love/LBC2) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now