Chapter 22

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Tul's P.O.V.

"Alright... ai Tin, would you call Hin and ask him if he can come here? I would like to talk about something important" I asked as Tin turned to leave

"I will do it only if you promise that the important thing is something like a marriage proposal, I don't think that I could handle a whole night of Hin screaming and calling your name without throwing my mental health out of the window" Tin replied, I chuckled and nodded

"Don't worry, we won't do that... I just want to talk to him" I replied. Tin eventually left and after a while Hin arrived

"Would you close the door please?" I asked without looking at him

"Do you want me to lock it Khun?" Hin asked politely

"What? Are you serious? I know that I'm handsome and I admit that you are hot just like you used to be in the past but that doesn't mean that I'm an animal, I don't just think about sex all the time, there are things that are actually more important than it, and you are ruining my mood..." I replied annoyed

"I apologise khun, what did you want to tell me?" Hin asked looking at the ground. I stood up and came closer to him, I lifted his chin so that he could look up at me

"Hin... I have to tell you something..." 

"is it going to be romantic and almost cheesy?" Hin asked, I glared at him

"Continue like this and next time we will do something together I will make sure that I will be the only one having fun while you will beg me to stop" I replied disappointed

"it is just that..." 

"What?" I asked confused

"I don't think that it is the right time for that... you are divorcing now... and it would be a terrible scandal for your family if you... and me... well..." Hin looked away

"Hin... please... tell me that this is just a joke... I thought that I made clear that I don't want to care about anyone else anymore... just Phu and you..." I replied

"And I know this... you should do it for Phu... another scandal will hurt him... do you want this? He will hate you for this, you just made up with your brother, do you want to mess things up with your own son? Please Khun... think about this carefully... I promise that I will stay beside you...  I don't want you to get hurt... not again..."  Hin replied

Tin's P.O.V.

I was playing with Phu when I saw Can coming back, he looked sad... or angry maybe, it wasn't easy to understand it

"What's wrong? " I asked smiling

"Don't smile... it's creepy... oh shit this is a disaster" Can added, I covered Phu's ears and glared at Can

"I don't like when you swear, you should learn some manners" 

"Oh sorry Khun Tin, I will do my best to work on my attitude so that you can me proud of me Khun Tin" he said with a mocking tone

"Don't use that tone with me" I replied

Inevitable Scandal (TulHin, a chance to love/LBC2) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now