Mc Donald's

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I just got a mc Donald's today so I discided to write a chapter about it.

Kiibos pov

"Oi kiiboy! Can we get some mc Donald's?"

"oh fuck yes! I'm in the mood for some motherfucking mc Donald's"

I sighed. These two feel more like my children than my romantic partners but I suppose it has been a long day so we deserve a treat.

"very well. Get in to the car"

"yayyy" they both threw their arm up and ran into the car. I smiled and shook my head at them. What goofballs.

*Time skip*

"Miu! Play some panic! At the disco" kokichi wined.

"no fuck you! We're listening to Tylor swift!" miu said flipping the small boy off "

"oh but she sucks!"

"you take that back you failed abortion!"

"uhh guys it's kinda hard to constraint on driving when your both arguing in my ear" I said irritated " besides it's my car so I pick the toons" so I put on a song that I heard recently and really enjoyed. (songs up top☝️)

"wow kiiboys got good taste in music!"

"hell yeah he does! This song fucking drops"

I let out a sigh of relief, glad to have resolved the fighting.

We arrived at mc Donald's, placed our order and I waited in line while kokichi and miu saved us a seat.

I got some strange looks from people while I was waiting in line. I was use to this. The only people who accepted me were my father and classmates. To everyone else I was just a freak of nature.

I was more than happy when my turn came to grab the food and leave. Mui and kokichi were playing a game of eye spy.

"foods here" I exclaimed.

"oh kiiboy your my hero" kokichi said jumping on my lap.

"hey quit snuggling the robot that's my job!" mui said forcing the smaller boy off my earning a pout from the small leader.

After some bickering we began to dig into our meal. I could feel everyone's eyes on my back. It was really making me uncomfortable. Kokichi and miu must have noticed how uncomfortable I looked because they turned around and glared at them.

"hey fucktards! Turn around before I really give you something to stare at!"

"yeah! Keep messing with our man like that and we'll make sure you regret it!"

I felt my eyes tear up. They were standing up for me! And thay didn't even call me a robot they called me their man!

"what's wrong kiibo? Why are you crying?" kokichis quickly turned from conserned to angry "if they made you cry I'll make sure there sorry!"

"yeah!" mui jumped in "I'll make an invention that will cut off there dicks so they'll never be able to pleasure themselves!"

I pulled them both into a hug. "it's nothing. I just love you both is all."

Yeah this was kinda lazy but I thought it would be a good idea for the first chapter. Hope you enjoyed!

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