Renma Ouma

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Kokichis pov

"kokichi I've come to make sure you haven't killed your son"

"what are you talking about? Everything's fine!"

It's been a few months since I escaped from the killing game and so far things have been a little rocky. The other survivor maki has moved in with me to help me raise my child while I need since the doctor said I'm suffering from PTSD and survivors guilt. Also my son renma has been diagnosed with severe anxiety so it's been pretty hard getting him to trust us but he eventually did.

Right now I was working on making dinner and things were getting a little difficult.

"kokichi the pans on fire" maki said calmly.

"well what do you want from me!? I'm doing my best here!" I yelled.

Suddenly the room around me change and kiibo stood in front of me. I ran towards him but he blew up before I could get to him.

"kiibo no!" I sobbed. I could hear mius laughter in the background (mius the mastermind in this au) "no please don't hurt me!"

Maki pov

Kokichi was on the floor sobbing and taking to miu and kiibo. Two people who were no longer alive. I quickly ran to get his tablets and then got down to his level.

He was cowering in the corner.

"easy" I said gently "easy kichi I'm not going to hurt you I just want you to take your medicine" I placed it in his mouth and he swallowed "good boy"

His eyes went blank after that. I picked him up and carried him to bed.

"is daddy ok?" renma asked.

"your daddy's fine. He just took another turn" I said reassuringly.

Renma hopped into bed and cuddled into his daddy's chest. I smiled and ran my fingers through their hairs. Kokichi and renma were the only survivors other then me. I miss kaito and shuichi more and more everyday but taking care of these two slowly numbs the pain.

"maki thank you for taking care of me" kokichi muttered sleepily.

I smiled at them "I should be the one thanking you"

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