Kiioumruma Kids

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Takes place 15 years after yukiko is born (she's the baby from the robo baby chapter)

Kiibos pov

"wake up daddy wake up" I woke up to my five year old daughter Evelyn jumping on me. She was technically Kiibos daughter and not mine but I still raised her as my own.

"what do you want you little rascal" I said blowing raspberries into her stomach.

"hehehe mommy said that dinner is ready and I have to wake you up from hibernation" she giggled.

"ok well daddy bear awake now so you better run before he eats ya!" I said pulling my best scary face.

Evelyn screamed and ran away excitedly. I got dressed and headed downstairs to see our only son getting harassed by his mother.

"come on Kiki let your mother give you a hug! You know most boys your age would kill to have a mom with rocking tits like these"

"mom! The things you say are totally embarrassing!" nouki said blushing

"no that's a bad miu! Go to horney jail" I said bonking her on the head.

"thanks dad I don't know how much more I can take of this sexsual harassment!" he said rubbing his cheek in embarrassment. Nouki actually is my biological son and he's got my crazy purple hair to prove it. Though his is alot more messy than mine and his eyes is a dark blue instead of purple.

"what wrong with a mother wanting a hug from her baby boy!" miu whined.

"maybe if you stop talking about your bossoms I will hug you" nouki yelled

Mui started tearing up "hey miu don't take it so hard noukis ten now and he's at the age where he gets embarrassed about certain parts of the body" I said reassuringly.

She wiped away her tears "I suppose your right. Hey would you be a dear and get our eldest up for dinner?"

"sure thing hun" I said kissing her on the cheek.

I walked through the door to see my white haired daughter looking through the phone with a slight blush on her face.

"oh I know what that look means. Your texting someone you like" my voice made her jump.

"daddy I can explain!"

"no need to explain sweetheart your 15 now falling in love is natural. Though I wouldn't tell your mother and father as they would make a big deal out of it."

"thank you daddy" she said kissing me on the cheek.

"no problem honey now let's get down for dinner"


We walked downstairs and sat at the dinner table. A few minutes later the door opened signaling that kiibo had returned home.

"Daddy!" Evelyn yelled excited running towards him, her blonde pigtails bouncing as she did so.

"hey how's my little girl" kiibo said picking Evelyn up and kissing her all over.

"take a seat honey the dinners ready" miu yelled.

"great I'm starving" kiibo said happily sitting down.

"you know I always wondered how you eat when your  a robot" nouki said thoughtfully.

"good question son!"

"I'm not your son" nouki muttered

"Well you see while I can't digest food like normal people I do have a special core in me that can break down food and turn it into energy" kiibo explained proudly.

"wow daddy's so cool" Evelyn said clapping her hands together.

"aww thank you princess" kiibo said blushing slightly.

Miu put our food out and we tucked in. I looked at everyone with what I imagine was a goofy grin. God I love this family.

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