Baby Number Six

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Kokichis pov

I rubbed my stomach with a gentle smile. I was carrying our and I was over the moon. The kids were at my mom and dad's place since we all agreed that it's best for them not to be around when I'm in labour. In fact I should be in labour any day now-

I felt a stabbing pain in my stomach and water coming down my legs. Crap I'm in labour already? Why can't these things be better timed!

I let out a scream. Kiibo and miu came rushing in. Once they saw the state of me they understood the situation and took me to the hospital.

After a few agonising hours our baby boy was laying in my arms. He had fluffy black hair with purple highlights. Strange but I guess my real dad could have had black hair. I kissed his head gently.

"what are you going to name him kichi" kiibo said gently.

"Hmm I think I'll name him koichi " I said.

"that's creative " miu teased as she kissing me lovingly on the forehead.

We sat there staring  at our new son with pure love.

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